Data Collection
Please acknowledge the BioX core facility (RRID:SCR_019310) in publications, on posters, or in talks if you use any instruments in the SIP core facility. Please include BioX's RRID (RRID:SCR_019310) and the grant numbers for instruments funded through instrumentation grants in your acknowledgements. This is a requirement from the funding agencies and is crucial for future funding. Find example text on theÌý.Ìý

The XtaLר MM003 is equipped with a MicroMax-003 Microfocus sealed tube X-ray generator system, an AFC11 Partial-χ 4-axis goniometer, a Dectris PILATUS 200K 2D hybrid pixel array detector, and an Oxford cryostream 700. Data collection is managed using HKL 3000, which also allows for indexing, scaling, and integration of the data. The program can suggest data collection strategies based on indexing the initial frames, and it includes a specific strategy program from RIGAKU integrated into HKL 3000. HKL 3000 has automated data processing and structure solution functions, enabling users to go from raw diffraction data to an almost complete protein model with minimal input. Data can also be exported for processing and structure building with various alternative programs.
Remote Data Collection
We have tools available to ship frozen crystals to synchrotrons for data collection. We are using the Unipuck system. There are two shipping canes holding 7 pucks each, Unipucks (for 16 Xtals each), puck pushers, puck wands, puck separating tools, bent and straight cryo tongs, puck loading dewars and two travel dewars.
Users are expected to organize beam time at synchrotrons and agreements with synchrotrons themselves.
Two workstations are set up in the X-ray facility for remote data collection at the ALS. Other connections can be installed as necessary.