Please acknowledge the BioX core facility (RRID:SCR_019310) in publications, on posters, or in talks if you use any instruments in the SIP core facility. Please include BioX's RRID (RRID:SCR_019310) and the grant numbers for instruments funded through instrumentation grants in your acknowledgements. This is a requirement from the funding agencies and is crucial for future funding. Find example text on the听.听
Phoenix Dropsetter

The Phoenix DropSetter from Art Robbins is a crystallisation dispenser designed for high-throughput screening. It is perfect for the rapid, automated screening of various crystallisation conditions in 96-well plates, using screens from commercial or custom-designed 96 deep-well blocks. The device is equipped with a 96-syringe head for fast and precise dispensing from 96 deep-well blocks and a Decra nano dispenser to deliver the target formulation, such as proteins, DNA, RNA, complexes, or ligands. The Phoenix can set up both sitting and hanging drop experiments and can also pipette seeding experiments. 听The 96-syringe head can dispense from 100 nanolitres to 100 microlitres, while the nano dispenser can handle volumes from 100 nanolitres to over 10 microlitres.
Formulatrix Rock Imager

We have two Formulatrix Rock Imager 54 systems for the automated imaging of crystals in multi-well plates. These imagers combine a temperature-controlled plate hotel with automated crystal imaging at the same temperature. Our two imagers are set to 4掳C and 20掳C, respectively. Using the integrated Formulatrix software (Rock Maker and Rock Imager), users can automatically capture images of plates using visible light and cross-polarisation. Each well is imaged with 12 images at different focus levels. The PCs running the software and controlling the imagers are equipped with NoMachine, allowing users to control the imaging remotely.
Stereo听 Microscopes

We have several stereo microscopes with cross-polarisation installed in all crystallisation rooms, including the SZX10 Olympus microscope, which is equipped with a Lumen 200 Fluorescence Illumination System. These microscopes enable users to manually screen plates and handle crystals, including 鈥渇ishing鈥 them into loops for cryo-freezing and mounting at the temperature at which they were grown.
Crystallization Rooms

We have three temperature-controlled, walk-in crystallisation rooms set at 4掳C, 20掳C, and 30掳C, each providing shelf space for hundreds of crystallisation trays. Microscopes are installed in all rooms to allow for easy crystal monitoring and fishing without the need for temperature changes or unnecessary transfer of plates between rooms. Additionally, we have crystallisation incubators set at 12掳C and 16掳C.
BioX offers a wide range of tools for manipulating, fishing, freezing, and room-temperature mounting of crystals. The photo shows just a small selection of what is available. The core director will provide a more detailed summary of the tools during training and assist new users in selecting the appropriate tools for their needs.