Currently Approved Courses for the LGBTQ Certificate Program

The following courses are preapproved to count towards the LGBTQ Certificate program requirements. Other courses may also count with approval from the LGBTQ Program directors. Email LGBTQ@Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ.EDU with any questions.

LGBT 2000/WGST 2030Introduction to LGBT Studies (required)
LGBT 2707/ENGL 2707Introduction to Queer Literature
LGBT 3710Topics in LGBT Studies
LGBT 3796/ENGL 3796Queer Theory (required)
LGBT 3930LGBT Studies Internship (3 credit hours)
LGBT 4287/ENGL 4287Special Topics in Queer Literature
LGBT 4400/WGST 4400Critical Inquiries in Transgender Studies
LGBT 4840Independent Study in LGBTQ Studies
ANTH 3180Gender, Culture, and Sexuality
ARר 3410/ WGST 3410Gender, Sexuality and Culture in the Modern Middle East
ASIA 3300Sex and Gender in Asian Film and Literature
CLAS 2100/WGST 2100Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece
CLAS 2110/WGST 2110Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Rome
EDUC 2800Special Topics: Queering Topics in Education (This topic only)
EDUC 4301Queering topics in Education
EDUC 4325Queering Literacy in Secondary Classrooms
ETHN 3101

Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies: Queer/Trans of Color Critiques;

Race and Masculinity (These topics only)

ETHN 4102/5102

Special Topics in Africana Studies: Queer Black Studies; Black Queer History

(These topics only)

ETHN 4106

Special Topics in Chicana and Chicano Studies:  Race, Gender and Sexuality

(This topic only)

FILM 4004/HUMN 4004/ ARTF 5004

Topics in Film Theory: Feminist and Queer Documentary Film and Media

(This topic only)

GRMN 4231The Invention of Sexuality
HEBR 3202/JWST 3202 Women, Gender and Sexuality in Jewish Texts and Traditions
HIST 2326

Issues in the History of U.S. Society and Culture: Queer US History 1890-2010

(This topic only)

HIST 4626History of Gender and Sexuality in the US from 1870
JPNS 4300Open Topics: Readings in Japanese: Gender and Sexuality (This topic only)
LING 2400Language, Gender and Sexuality
MDST 4331/WGST 4331 Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Popular Culture 
MUSM 5021/ARSC 4040Selected Museum Topics: Gender in Museums of the Americas (This topic only)
PSCI 3174/WGST 3174Sex, Power, and Politics: U.S. Perspectives
PSCI 3301/WGST 3300Gender, Sexuality, and U.S. Law 
PSCI 3311/WGST 3311Gender and U.S. Politics: Protest, Polls and Policy
PSCI 4028Special Topics: Theory: Sex, Power, and Politics (This topic only)
SOCY 1006/WGST 1006Social Construction of Sexuality
SOCY 3042Topics in Population and Health: Sociology of HIV/AIDS (This topic only)
THTR 4049Special Topics in Theatre: Performing Queer Voices (This topic only)
WGST 2020Femininities/Masculinities/Alternatives
WGST 2050Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture
WGST 2700Psychology of Gender and Sexuality
WGST 3510Gender, Sexuality and Global Health
WGST 3520Gender and Sexuality in Africa
WGST 3600Latina/X Studies
WGST 3712Topics: Queer and Trans Asias
WGST 3767/ENGL 3767Feminist Fictions
WGST 4300Sex, Power, Politics: International Perspectives
WGST 4620/HIST 4620Global History of Sexuality: The Modern Era
WGST 4636/HIST 4636Lesbian and Gay History
WRTG 3020

Topics in Writing: Gender, Sexuality and New Media; Gender and Sexuality;

Queer Rhetorics (These topics only)