Exam Procedures & Technology

How Exams Work

Examinations at Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Law are administered by the Law Registrar's Office and taken on software.

Exam questions will appear within the Exam4 program itself once a student has put in their credentials to start their exam. Students should take care to enter essay and multiple-choice answers in the correct answer area within the software.

Students must download a new Exam4 software package for each exam season. Students are encouraged to download the latest Exam4Ìýsoftware package in advance of their exams so they can take a practice exam to familiarize themselves with Exam4's functionality and features.Ìý Make sure you know what materials are allowed by your professor during the exam and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste.

Students are on their honor to follow the Honor Code.

Anonymous Exam IDs

Students are assigned an anonymous, unique Exam IDÌýfor each exam whichÌýfacilitates anonymous exam grading. Students must input the appropriate six-digit exam ID into Exam4 when prompted. The six-digit exam ID is your personal identifier used with your exam. Each student has their own exam ID for each exam they take each exam season. Students will receive detailed instructions via email from the Registrar prior to each exam season.

Prior to each exam, students must obtain their anonymous six-digit exam ID from Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Law's exam ID tool at /law/examid. To obtain each unique Exam ID, students must know their . Ìý

Document IDs

Each exam has a Document ID used to access exam questions. Get your document IDs from /law/examid.

Practice Document ID

The Exam Document ID for the practice exam is ¶Ù0000000.Ìý

Taking an Exam

Once the exam is underway, students will input exam answers into Exam4Ìýwhich records and saves the typed information every minute. When students complete an exam, they submit their answers within the Exam4 tool.ÌýÌýWhen the student acknowledges completion of the exam, Exam4 will unlock the computer andÌýseekÌýan internet connection to uploadÌýthe completed exam to the Law School's Exam4 Receiver. The Registrar’s Office then processes the exam and distributes it to your professor by anonymous Exam ID.


Exam Modalities

  • CLOSED:Ìý Only the Exam4 application is available.Ìý Exam4 locks out access to other applications and the internet on your computer when this mode is enabled. Students can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it. Your computer will run through a 1-2 minute security check prior to beginning. If your computer fails the security check, you can try re-booting and re-starting the software.


  • OPEN-LAPTOP: You may access your hard drive and other applications, but do not have access to the internet. Make sure to print and/or download any materials you need before starting an exam.ÌýStudents can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.


  • OPEN-LAPTOP + NETWORK: You may access your hard drive, other applications and the internet. Make sure to read the exam instructions as some materials may be restricted (per your professor). Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.


  • TAKEHOME Exam Mode: You may access your hard drive, other applications, and the internet. You will be able to cut and paste external text into your exam. You may go into and out of this exam as many times as you want while you are working on your exam. You may exit an exam in TAKEHOME mode, it will be saved, and you can start it again later. The timer continues to run even when the exam is suspended.



Exam4, which is a product of the company Extegrity, is not a Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Law product. While the Registrar’s Office and Law School IT staff will help troubleshoot and assist students during their exams, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the instructions on the Exam4 website for the correct operation of Exam4. This includes system requirements, computer maintenance, and adherence to any other instructions given by Exam4. Prior to any exam, students should review the instructions on the Exam4 website.

Extegrity Support Contact information




Students must download a new Exam4 software package for each exam season.Ìý

The Exam4 software package is available for download here:Ìý .

The Exam Document ID for the "Practice Exam" is D0000000.

Exam4 User Guide

Installation Instructions

  1. Complete the registration information and download the Windows or macOS version as appropriate.
  2. To install Exam4, double-click the install file you downloaded and follow the on screen prompts.Ìý

macOS users:Ìý If you have a previous exam season install of Exam4,Ìýselect "Replace" when prompted.

Note: Tablets and iPads are not allowed for exams. Only laptops are permitted.

Students are encouraged to take a practice exam to familiarize themselves with Exam4's functionality and features.

Exam4 Best Practices

  1. Turn off auto updates.
  2. Close all running programs & applications (Word, Safari, Chrome, etc.)
  3. Exam4 does not require students to disable antivirus.
  4. Administrator rights are required.
  5. Reboot your computer before each exam.

Checklist before taking your exam:

  • VerifyÌýthat you have downloaded and installed the Exam4 software package for the current exam season.
  • Turn off auto updates on your computer.
  • Close all other programs (Word, Safari, Chrome, etc.)
  • Reboot your computer before each exam (very important).
  • Have your unique six-digit exam ID ready for this exam.
  • Lookup the exam ID at /law/examid.Ìý Remember, each exam has its own unique exam ID for each student and document ID (all students have the same document ID in any given class).
  • Have your laptop's power adapter handy.

A healthy computer is less likely to experience problems during an exam.Ìý Be sure your computer is free of malware andÌýoperating normally.Ìý Instructions for running TrendMicro's free HouseCall malware scanner are available for m and Windows.Ìý Contact Law School Information Technology at lawit@colorado.eduÌýif you have questions about your computer's fitness for exams.Ìý


Students can contact Extegrity at usersupport@extegrity.com or Law School IT at lawit@colorado.edu.


Before Exams Begin

Prior to taking an exam, exam takers should make sure they have the Exam4 software package for the current exam season. This can be checked by opening Exam4 and verifying the version dates.Ìý

If you are taking an exam at the law school, make sure you are connected to the UCB Wireless network. Otherwise, you will not be able to submit your exam. Directions about connecting to the university network can be found .

Exam takers should ensure their laptop is ready to go and fully charged. Have your power adapter for your laptop handy.

Exam Types

In-Person: Students must report to assigned classrooms in Wolf Law Building, likely different than the regular classroom space. It is recommended students arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in with proctors. Students will sit every other seat in the exam room. Exams occur on specific dates listed on the exam schedule and are proctored by law school staff.

Exam takers who arrive after the exam begins are docked the amount of time by which they are late. The difference is deducted from the total time allotted for the exam.Ìý

Remote-Timed Exams: Must be taken on the scheduled exam date at a time set by the Law Registrar's Office. Exams may be taken at home or at the law school. Most students do not come to the law school to take remote exams.

Take Home Exams: Must be taken on the scheduled exam date and are available from 8am to 5pm. These are 9 hour exams. Responses must be submitted no later than 5pm. They may be taken at home or at the law school.

Untimed Exams: Students take untimed exams on their own time over more than one day during the exam period. Exams are usually administered via Canvas. Students must pay attention ot the exam availability and due date.

General Exam Information

  • Download the Exam4 software package ahead of time.
  • Do not use a cell phone as a timer or calculator. A wristwatch is acceptable as long as it does not make noise. No fitness trackers, fitbits, or smartwatches allowed.
  • Computer-based timers which count time and provide countdown alerts are acceptable. These will not work with CLOSED mode exams. Students are responsible for testing to make sure the timer works with the exam mode of their exam(s).
  • If you need to use the restroom during an exam, the time on your exam will continue to count down.
  • Make sure you know what materials your professor allows during the exam and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste.
  • Do not discuss the exam afterwards with other students as they might be taking it at a later date. If you have questions or concerns about the exam, contact the Law Registrar's Office, not your professor. Do not email your professor about anything related to exams until after the exam and grading period is complete. This preserves anonymity for grading purposes.
  • Students must work on their exam in the Exam4 software. It causes errors if students draft their exam in Word or some other program and then copy/paste their exam into Exam4. Students are expected to write and edit their exam only in Exam4. Even if allowed in the exam setting, students should not copy and keep any portion of their submitted exam on their computer.
  • The timer in Exam4 is a notification that your exam time has run out.Ìý Be aware that you must close and submit the exam.Ìý Exam4 will not end the exam when your time runs out!
  • NOTE: The use of dual screens is not allowed for in-person exams, but is allowed for remote and take home exams. It is advisable that students who wish to use more than one computer screen do a practice test to ensure it will work with your setup. This is especially true for Mac users. Dual screens will not work with the exam modes of CLOSED or OPEN-LAPTOP. Dual screens will only work with exam mode of TAKEHOME.

Rescheduled Exams

The Registrar’s Office coordinates all rescheduled exams and communicates with students about the date and time accordingly. Exam rescheduling is governed by law school rules. Inquiries can be directed to the Law Registrar’s Office at lawreg@colorado.edu.ÌýExam takers with approved rescheduled exams take their exams in the exam modality given by the professors. This means if the exam is originally scheduled as an in-person exam, students are expected to take the exam in-person at the date and time as directed by the Registrar's Office. Do you contact your professor asking to reschedule your exam.

Students With Accommodations

Exam takers who are registered with Disability Services work directly with the Law Registrar’s Office. Inquiries can be made to lawreg@colorado.edu. Students with accommodations are responsible for informing the Law Registrar's Office about all approved accommodations.

Computer issues

See the "Getting Help" tab for how to acess help during remote exams. Help is available during regular business hours. Most IT issues can be avoided by taking the practice exam.

It is extremely important for students to download the Exam4 software prior to each exam season and take a practice exam. This helps to identify potential laptop malfunctions ahead of time. The law school has a limited number of emergency laptops available on a first come, first serve basis.

Sometimes Exam4 causes your computer to change back to the factory default background picture setting after you exit the program. Therefore, you may need to change your background picture back to what it was prior to using the software (if applicable).

Honor Code

Students are held to the Honor Code at the law school and the Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Student Code of Conduct. It is recommended that all exam takers review it prior to exams.Ìý

Exam Day

  • Earplugs, sound muffling earmuffs, and headphones are acceptable if you are taking exams at the law school. The headphones must not have any music or white noise during the exam.
  • A wristwatch or little clock is okay as long as it does not make noise.
  • Do not use items, materials, or resources not allowed by the professor. Remember the Honor Code.
  • Make sure to use a power cord.



















For law school exam information, consult our website (/law/academics/calendars-and-schedules; scroll down to see Exam Schedules (by semester)). Do not rely on Buff Portal for law school exam information.

Each exam you take has a unique, anonymous six-digit ID assigned to you.Ìý You can look up the exam IDs that you have been assigned for your exams at /law/examid.Ìý NOTE: All Exam4 exams will occur remotely. Exam questions will appear in the software once the exam begins.

Exam4 is Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Law's secure testing software.Ìý Essentially, it is an electronic bluebook for essay and short answer responses and an electronic bubble sheet for multiple choice and true/false responses.Ìý You will need to download a new version of the Exam4 software package for each exam season AND take a practice exam for each exam season.

TAKEHOME: What you use for a take-home exam. You may access your hard drive, other applications and the internet. You will be able to cut and paste external text into your exam. You may go into and out of this exam as many times as you want during the 9-hours that you are working your exam. Once you have exited an exam in the CLOSED, OPEN or OPEN +NETWORK mode, you will not be able to get back into it. You may exit an exam in TAKEHOME mode, it will be saved, and you can start it again later.

CLOSED: You have access only to the exam you are typing. You may not access your hard drive, applications, or the internet. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.Your computer will run through a 1-2 minute security check prior to beginning. If your computer fails the security check, you can try re-booting and re-starting the software. If this doesn’t work, you should contact IT for help. Students can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN.

OPEN-LAPTOP: You may access your hard drive and other applications, but do not have access to the internet. Make sure to print and/or download any materials you need before starting an exam.ÌýStudents can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.Ìý

OPEN-LAPTOP + NETWORK: You may access your hard drive, other applications and the internet. Make sure to read the exam instructions as some materials may be restricted (per your professor). Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.

We highly recommend that you take a practice exam to familiarize yourself with Exam4. It is easy to use, but puts responsibility on the student for formatting/sectioning their essay responses, timing the exam, and for spell check.

Yes, Exam4 has a spell check function available in the tools menu.Ìý However, Exam4 will not check spelling as you type.

Exam4 supports select, undo/redo, copy/paste, and delete.Ìý If your exam mode is OPEN or OPEN + Network, you can copy/paste between Exam4 and your applications. Do not copy/paste between Exam4 and your other applications (such as Microsoft Word). You are expected to draft your exam in the software. It may cause errors to your exam or it may not save properly if you draft your exam outside of the software. Make sure you know what materials your professor will allow you to use during the exam and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste. It is not possible to copy/paste content from the exam questions into the exam answer area.

The Answer Separator is a feature of Exam4 that allows you to separate out the word counts by question. Do NOT edit the Answer Separators in any way – it will not count your words correctly if you do.

Yes, you can choose to either show or hide the document stats for your exam by clicking a box on the right that says "Show/Hide Doc Stats" (see the practice exam tab for a picture of this). The Answer Separator in Exam4 allows you to separate word count by question. If you alter the Answer Separators in any way it will not count your words correctly.Ìý

It is not possible to annotate or make notes in the exam software itself. Students need to make notes on paper if they would like before drafting a final answer in Exam4. Notes should be shredded once the exam is complete. Students can highlight portions of the exam questions to reference while they are taking an exam.

If a student loses internet access during an exam, they will be able to continue working on it if the exam is in TAKE HOME mode. From Exam4's point of view, the only issue is that they cannot fetch the exam questions again. So long as you do not close the questions, you will be okay. While the internet is down, the exam file will remain saved on your computer with all the secure time stamps, etc., so the student can upload it later. If you lose internet in other exam modalities (OPEN, OPEN+Network, or CLOSED), report the issue to the Law Registrar or IT.

Students wishing to review their exam answers (and exam questions) after grades are posted can meet with the professor to do so. Occasionally, a staff member may also attend the meeting. Students cannot take notes on the exam questions or their answers or otherwise record the questions, answers, or the meeting. The Registrar's Office does not release any exam responses to students.

Final course grades are due from faculty in early January for fall term and late May for spring term. Grades are posted as they are received. Grading will utilize normal A-F grading. Non-law, LLM, and MSL students are not subject to the B+ median.

Students should take care to carefully review what materials are allowed for each exam. If the exam modality and allowed materials include a textbook and you have an ebook copy, you may need to download it in advance of the exam. Students are responsible for bringing and preparing any materials they plan to use for exams (when allowed by the professor).

West Academic/Foundation Press

Last Day Of Class For Spring 2025: Friday, April 25, 2025

Spring 2025 Exam Schedule (keep in mind that exact room numbers will be added closer to the exam period)

Students should consult their for days, times, and rooms. Rescheduled exams have already been incorporated into student schedules. Complete student schedules can be viewed .

Rescheduled Exams:

A student may reschedule an exam if they have:

  • Two exams on the same day
  • More than three exams in one week
  • An afternoon or full-day exam on one day followed immediately by a morning exam

The registrar shall choose which exam to reschedule and inform students of the rescheduled date, time, and location prior to the exam period. Exams may not be taken early. Rescheduled exams shall occur on the nearest LATER day that does not cause the need for an additional rescheduled exam. Exams are taken anonymously, so rescheduled exam information does not and should not need to be shared with your professor(s).

Students with rescheduled in-person exams should report to room 304 at 9:30am on their rescheduled exam date for spring 2025 final exams. Students should consult their for days, times, and rooms.


  • NOTE: The use of dual screens is not allowed for in-person law school exams, but are allowed for remote and take home exams.
  • If you need to use the restroom during aÌýtimedÌýexam,Ìýplease do so.ÌýThe time on your exam will continue to count down.
  • Make sure you know what materials your professorÌýwill allow andÌýwhether or notÌýyouÌýareÌýallowed toÌýcopy/paste.ÌýFollow all directions given to you (if any) about what to do with the exam questions after completing your exam(s).
  • Do not discuss the exam afterwards with other students as they might be taking itÌýat a later date. If you have questions or concerns about the exam, contact the Registrar's Office, not your professor.
  • Do not email your professor about anything related to exams until after the exam and grading period is complete. This preserves anonymity for grading purposes.
  • Students are held to theÌýHonor CodeÌýat the law school and theÌýÅ·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Student Code of Conduct. It is recommended that all exam takers review it prior to exams.
  • Total time spent on exams is only reported to faculty in instances where students went over the allowed exam timeÌý(which may vary with accommodations).











Watch a short Exam4 demo for or

Loaner Exam Laptops are available.Ìý If you have any doubts or concerns about your computer’s OS version, performance, or reliability for exams, you may request a loaner laptop from Law IT at lawit@colorado.edu.Ìý Exam laptops may be picked up now or at any time before finals and returned at the beginning of the spring semester.

If you are taking an exam at the law school, make sure you are connected to the UCB Wireless network. Otherwise, you will not be able to submit your exam. Directions about connecting to the university network can be found .

How To Handle Loss Of Internet Access and/or Power During An Exam: If a student loses internet access and/or power during an exam, they will be able to continue working on it if in TAKE HOME mode. From Exam4's point of view, the only issue is that they cannot fetch the exam questions again. Exam4 saves your work often. If you are in OPEN, OPEN+Network, or CLOSED mode and lose internet, reach out to the Law Registrar or IT.

If you need immediate assistance during exams (or the week before), contact lawreg@colorado.edu or call 303-492-6755. Staff will help you through your technical questions. It is important to take a practice exam to ensure viability of your laptop for the upcoming exam period. If you have questions about the exam questions themselves, you should address this in your exam answer.

If you have any problems or confusion with specific exam questions, please address those issues within your exam answer. Do not contact the Registrar or your professor with questions regarding the content of your exam.

Why is there a grey rectangle blocking my screen? See for instructions to fix this Mac issue.

How can I fix scaling issues if I cannot see the entire exam question? See .

How To Fix Your Settings If You Have Trouble Seeing Multiple Choice Area

