2016 Publications
Colman, D., Feyhl-Buska, J., Robinson, K., Fecteau, K., Xu, H., Shock, E.,Boyd, E. 2016. Ecological Differentiation in Planktonic and Sediment-Associated Chemotrophic Microbial Populations in Yellowstone Hot Springs. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. DOI:
Cosmidis, J. and Templeton, A.S. 2016. Self-assembly of biomorphic C/S microstructures in sulfidic environments. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/ncomms12812
Lindsay, M.R., Anderson, C., Fox, N., Scofield, G., Allen, J., Anderson, E., Bueter, L., Poudel, S., Sutherland, K., Munson-McGee, J.H., Van Nostrand, J.D., Zhou, J., Spear, J.R., Baxter, B.K., Lageson, D.R., and Boyd, E.S. 2016. Microbialite response to an anthropogenic salinity gradient in Great Salt Lake, Utah. Geobiology,
Mayhew, L.E., Lau, G.E., and Templeton A.S. 2016. Distinct geochemistries of water–basalt–Fe0 reactions in the presence versus absence of CO2-driven microbial methanogenesis. Chemical Geology. 428:92-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.02.028.
McCollom T. M. and C. Donaldson. 2016. Generation of hydrogen and methane during experimental low temperature reaction of ultramafic rocks with water. Astrobiology. 16(6): 389-406. doi:10.1089/ast.2015.1382. .
Miller, H.M., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P., Ellison, E.T., Conrad, M.E., Fierer, N., Ruchala, T., Tominaga, M., and Templeton, A.S., 2016, Modern water/rock reactions in Oman hyperalkaline peridotite aquifers and implications for microbial habitability. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 179, p. 217–241, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.033.
Miller, H.M., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P., Ellison, E.T., Conrad, M., Fierer, N., Ruchala, T., Tominaga, M., Templeton, A.S., Reply to “Methane origin in the Samail ophiolite: Comment on ’Modern water/rock reactions in Oman hyperalkaline peridotite aquifers and implications for microbial habitability’,Geochimicaet Cosmochimica Acta(2016), doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.011
S.M. Som, Buick, R., Hagadorn, J.W., Blake, T.S., Perreault, J.M., Harmeijer, J.P., and Catling, D.C. 2016. Earth's air pressure 2.7 billion years ago constrained to less than half of modern levels. Nature Geoscience: 9:448-451.
T. M. McCollom, F. Klein, M. Robbins, B. Moskowitz, T. S. Berquó, N. Jöns, W. Bach, and A. Templeton. 2016. Temperature trends for reaction rates, hydrogen generation, and partitioning of iron during experimental serpentinization of olivine. Geochmica et Cosmochimica Acta, 181:175-200.
Feyhl-Buska, J., Y. Chen, C. Jia, J.-X. Wang, C.L. Zhang, and E.S. Boyd. Influence of growth phase, pH, and temperature on the abundance and composition of tetraether lipids in the thermoacidophile Picrophilus torridus. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:1323. doi:
Fortney, N.W., B.J. Converse, S. He, B.L. Beard, C.M. Johnson, E.S. Boyd, and E.E. Roden. 2016. Microbial Fe(III) oxide reduction potential in Chocolate Pots, Yellowstone National Park. Geobiology. 14(3):255-75. doi:
Früh-Green, G.L., Orcutt, B.N., Green, S., Cotterill, C., and the Expedition 357 Scientists (Brazelton, W.J, Mayhew, L.E., Schrenk, M.O., Twing, K.I). 2016. . IODP Publications. doi:
Harrold, Z., M.L. Skidmore, T.L. Hamilton, L. Desch, K. Amada, W. van Gelder, K. Glover, E.E. Roden, and E.S. Boyd. 2016. Aerobic and anaerobic thiosulfate oxidation by a coldadapted, subglacial chemoautotroph. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82: 1486-1495. doi:
Hindshaw, R.S., T.H.E. Hinton, E.S. Boyd, M.R. Lindsay, and E.T. Tipper. 2016. Influence of glaciation on mechanisms of mineral weathering in two high Arctic catchments. Chemical Geology. 420: 37-50. doi:
Hindshaw, R. S., S. Q. Lang, S. M. Bernasconi, T. H. E. Heaton, M. R. Lindsay, and E. S. Boyd (2016), Origin and temporal variability of unusually low δ13C-DOC values in two High Arctic catchments, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 121, 1073–1085, doi:10.1002/2015JG003303.
Hochstein, R., M.J. Amenabar, J. Munson-McGee, E.S. Boyd, and M. Young. 2016. Acidianus tailed spindle virus: a new large tailed spindle virus discovered by culture-independent methods. Journal ofVirology. 13: 3458-6810.1128. doi:
Parker, S.R., West, R.F., Boyd, E.S., Feyhl-Buska, J., Gammons, C.H., Johnston, T.B., Williams, G.P., Poulson, S.R. 2016. Biogeochemical and microbial seasonal dynamics between water column and sediment processes in a productive mountain lake: Georgetown Lake, MT, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 121: 2064–2081. doi:
Urschel, M.R., Hamilton, T.L., Roden, E.E. and Boyd, E.S. 2016. Substrate preference, uptake kinetics, and energetics in a facultatively autotrophic, thermoacidiphilic crenarchaeote. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 92. fiw069. doi: