Weekly Friday Jam Sessions 11am - 2 pm
Come join us at the rap lab for weekly Friday Jam Sessions! We use the recording studio to create, engage in conversation, and build community!

DES doctoral studentsShawnO’Nealand LauMalaver's invite youto attend the grand opening ofwhere their collaborative performance piecePulsing Equiswill be exhibited onFriday, October 29th!
They are excited to share the amazing hard work they have been doing since 2020 tomakethis performance happen.
Pulsing Equisis a collaborative performance that explores the coloniality of race, gender, and sexuality through sound and movement. The performers, Shawn and Lau, interact by using live voice samples and field recordings with embodied gestures of endurance movement. This is inspired by the culmination of the artists’ intellectual work,Audio IntersectionalityandRecovecosrespectively, stemming from their care forla tierra, life transitions, and their survival and celebration across time and space.
Go toandpurchase your tickets now!Discounted rates are available for students and CO residents.
Lau & Shawn hope to see you there and share their incredible doctoral and performative work with you!
Date and Time
Fri, October 29, 2021
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM MDT
100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy.
Denver, CO 80204

Shades of Honey was born in 2019 after noticing the lack of space for Black and Brown people in general, but more specifically centered around artistry. Art allows us to be in critical dialogue with the institutions, societal norms and perceptions that we face and should be used as a gateway to understanding, compassion and radical humanism. Shades of Honey has been a healing space for the Black, Brown and Indigenous community and a space for allies to learn through the power of narrative and art. “Shades”, as it is affectionately dubbed by members in the community, is intent on centering BIPOC voices in film, spoken word, visual art, dance, song and the other myriad of ways the community shows up in an artistic facet. Shades of Honey continues to grow, and the community continues to heal. Shades and its leaders are committed to creating space and radically transforming our communities.
"Shades" will be working in collaboration with Summer Taylor, Shammai Mading, & Union Hall Denver to platform a curated Poetry Showcase around the theme of anger. Shades of Honey honors, recognizes and is resolved to holding the space for women and femmes to display their complex navigations around anger and rage as a tool for the full reclamation of space, place, voice and humanity.
They Rage | Photographed by Summer Taylor (she/her) & Facilitated by Shammai Mading (she/her) :
"They Rage is an ongoing multidisciplinary project organized by facilitator Shammai Mading and photographer Summer Taylor. Initially conceptualized as a thesis project, They Rage was inspired largely by Audre Lorde’s 1981 speech, “The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism”, as well as work by Patricia Hill Collins, Patrisse Cullors, Deborah J. Cohan, Barbara Ransby and the ongoing collective work of black feminist theorists. They Rage aims to examine the ubiquitous nature of anger, while understanding the complexities of processing this emotion in relation to individual’s backgrounds and experiences."
Date and Time
Fri, August 27, 2021
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM MDT
1750 Wewatta Street, Suite 144
Located inside The Coloradan
Denver, CO 80202