Rishi Raj
Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of ŷڱƵ at Boulder, CO, US 80309-0427
Email: rishi.raj@colorado.edu

1996 -present Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of ŷڱƵ at Boulder, CO
1975 - 1996 Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1972 - 1975 Assist. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of ŷڱƵ at Boulder, CO
1971 - 1972 Staff Scientist, Chase Brass and Copper Company, Cleveland, OH
1964 - 1965 Staff Engineer, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd, London, England
1980 Scientist, Rockwell Science Center, Thousand Oaks, CA
There are usually three or so visitors from international institutions to his laboratory who come here for extended stays to participate and collaborate in research.
2017, Served as Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK)
2011-2017, Distinguished Chair Professor at POSTECH, South Korea
2015, Elected Distinguished Life Member of the American Ceramic Society – the highest honorconferred upon the Members of the Society
2013, Edward C. Henry Best Paper Award, with J-C M’Peko, J.S.C. Francis, “ImpedanceSpectroscopy and Dielectric Properties of Flash versus Conventionally Sintered Yttria-DopedZirconia Electroceramics viewed at the Microstructural Level”, American Ceramic Society.
2011-2012, Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship to Tokyo Tech, Japan
2004, Aditya Birla Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering (an Honorary appointment),Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
1996, John Matthias Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory
1992, Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Awardee, Max Planck Institute for MetalResearch in Stuttgart, Germany
1985, Guggenheim Fellow
1964, John Mather and Mauder Howe Prizes from the University of Durham, England
1961, Gold Medals in Chemistry and Mathematics, Allahabad University, India
National and International Service Activities
Conceptualized, Chaired, lobbied for participants and raised funds from ARO and ONR for anEngineering Conference International Conference on “Field Assisted and Flash Sintering” held inTomar, Portugal, March 04-09, 2016.
Worked with Prof. Gurpreet Singh to enable a PIRE (Partners for International Research and EducationGrant) grant from the NSF on Polymer-Derived Ceramic Fibers; a five year, $1M per year grant withparticipants from US, Germany, Italy, France, India and Japan. Start date: 01/01/2018.
Founding Organizer of Boulder International Workshops on Polymer Derived Ceramics: 1998,2000, 2002, 2010, 2012, and 2014: laid the foundation for building a community in a fledgingfield of research.
Chair of the Materials Division of ASME, 2001-2002. Executive Committee 1997-2002.
Established a Dual Ph.D. program between Department of Materials and Industrial EngineeringUniversity of Trento, and Mechanical Engineering from the University of ŷڱƵ at Boulder.