IBG security displays (temporary tablets)

IBG has placed a tablet at the exit doors of IBG, RL4, and the former colony facility. The tablets can be used to monitor the video feeds from th

Tablet at the IBG front door
e LVT mobile security cameras.

LVT app map
The app is simple to use. The app may show a map of all available mobile camera platforms, but IBG only has access to one, so tap on the blue pin to view the cameras on IBG's mobile security platform.

LVT camera screen

Once in the app at the camera screen, the thumbnails on the right side can be used to select different cameras. Thumbnails load for the infrared cameras, but not for the visible light cameras. Once a camera is selected, the arrows in the lower left corner can be used to move the camera. After a period of time, the camera will return to its home position. Images from the camera can be captured by pressing the "Snapshot" button. An image will be saved on the tablet. Authorized people are able to review historical footage, so it is not necessary to manually capture images of any suspicious activity.


LVT app showing an error
he LVT app will occasionally show an error. This can usually be corrected by any interaction with the app. Select a different camera, and the app will resume live streaming.
