Year 2: 2018-2019


In year 2, HTLP will concentrate its efforts in supporting facultyto achieve alignment in their individual courses: after identifying which department-wide SLOs map onto their individual course learning goals, faculty will consider what small changes they can make to their curriculum in order to move their teaching methods and assignments into greater alignment with course learning goals and SLOs. HTLP will also begin a discussion on how to reconfigure the major pathway in order to ensure course offerings and sequencing are in alignment with department-wide SLOs.


´¡±ô¾±²µ²Ô³¾±ð²Ô³ÙÌý ÌýAligned courses have coherence across the three central components of course design: learning goals, assessments (i.e., major course assignments), and teaching methods. In an aligned course, in other words, teaching methods and assessments work together to support student learning of the goals that drive the course. To assist faculty in attaining greater alignment in their individual courses, HTLP will provide the following support:

  1. Pre-semester faculty workshop in the fall of 2018 to discuss SLOs and course plans.
  2. Pedagogy consultations with Dr. Mendoza to support faculty as they develop alignment plans and incorporate SLOs into their curriculum.
  3. A teaching methods workshop(s), led by history pedagogy experts, to introduce faculty to new ways of teaching and supporting student learning in their classrooms.
  4. HTLP Working Group will begin to identify and define the precise skills, concepts, and habits of mind students will need in order to gain competency in the SLOs. We will be using the , developed at Indiana University, to help us with this task