Graduate Alumni Theses & Dissertations
MA - Master of Arts听Theses
Name | Degree | Year | Title | Advisor |
Campbell, Noah | MA | 2023 | A Social-Environmental Framework for First Users Areas in Western US Basins | Travis |
Collins, Buddy | MA | 2023 | Understanding Urbanization in the United States 2000-2020 | Leyk |
Cromratie Clemons, Sade | MA | 2023 | Using Dendrochronology and Isotope Methods to Identify the Watershed Origin of Wood in the River Corridor | Barnard |
Feghali, Sylvia | MA | 2023 | Bukra Inshallah : Activating Hopeful Futures through Lebanese Instagram | Ranjbar |
Fogel, Caleb | MA | 2023 | Drivers of Course Particulate Organic Matter Transport and Storage in Headwater Streams | Lininger |
Herrmann, Thomas | MA | 2023 | Examining Multi-Year Trends and Intra-Annual Variability of Land Terminating Glacier Velocity in Southwest Greenland | Abdalati |
Kennedy, Eric | MA | 2023 | Characterizing the Snow Influenced Season: revisiting the role of snowmelt in carbon sequestration at Niwot Ridge, 欧美口爆视频 | Molotch |
Nikoonazari, Somayeh | MA | 2023 | Gender, Nationalism and Higher Education in Post-Revolution Iran | Ranjbar |
Rees, James | MA | 2023 | Sedimentation and Carbon Storage in Beaver Ponds Within the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA | Lininger |
Eiswerth, Andrew | MA | 2022 | Contested Maritime Territory: Turkish Claims and Territoriality in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea | 翱鈥橪辞耻驳丑濒颈苍 |
Johaneman, Taylor | MA | 2022 | The Influence of Knickpoint Development on Fluvial Ecogeomorphic Interactions | Lininger |
Rieves, Emma S. | MA | 2022 | Perceived Greenspace Exposure is Influenced by Objective Greenspace Exposure and Identity, Attitudes, and Privilege | Reid |
Schmidt, Jeffrey | MA | 2022 | An Analysis of Snowpack Temperature, Density, and Cold Content across the Western United States | Serreze |
Tyler, Kathryn | MA | 2022 | Bus Network Analysis: Vulnerability and Suitability Modelling in Four Western U.S. Cities | Buttenfield |
Voveris, Jessica | MA | 2022 | Meteorological Drivers of Arctic Rain-on-Snow Events and How Climate Change May Influence Associated Risks | Serreze |
Carlson, Kate | MA | 2021 | Wetland Classification Accuracy and Scale: Visualizing Uncertainty Metrics Across Multiple Resolutions | Buttenfield |
Cook, Maxwell | MA | 2021 | Drivers of Wildfire-Related Home Loss across the Western United States 2001-2018 | Balch |
Guiney, Molly | MA | 2021 | Floods, Fires and Valley Confinement: Controls on Floodplain Large Wood and Organic Matter Jam Deposition in the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Lininger |
Lenetsky, Jed | MA | 2021 | Understanding Bering Strait ocean heat transport variability for seasonal sea ice forecasting in the Chukchi Sea | Serreze |
Palasti, Luca | MA | 2021 | Assessing the viability of forecast-informed decision-making: the value of information provided by Grass-Cast | Travis |
Ren, Yuying | MA | 2021 | Refining the Wildland-Urban Interface: Implications for Risk Exposure of the Built Environment for 欧美口爆视频 over 25 Years | Leyk |
Roth, Holly | MA | 2021 | New Approaches for Direct Measurements of Reservoir Evaporation in the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Blanken |
Shaban, Neda | MA | 2021 | The Influence of Geopolitics on the Resistance Movement Against Compulsory Hijab | Fluri |
Gurung, Phurwa | MA | 2020 | Mountains are Commons, Grasses are Divided鈥: Indigenous Environmental Governance Between Conservation asd Democracy | Yeh |
Jagadeesh, Shruthi | MA | 2020 | Waiting to Stay: In-Situ Displacement and Soliga Youth in Tiger Reserves in South India | Goldman |
McShane, Caitlin | MA | 2020 | Big Spatial Data & Land Use Progression in the United States 1945-2016 | Leyk |
Solvik, Kylen | MA | 2020 | Topic Modeling to Track Wildfire Information Flows Between the Public and Officials Using Twitter and Emergency Management Records | Balch |
Zackary, Ridge | MA | 2020 | Unsettling Class: Gentrification and Racial Capitalism in Denver | Fluri |
Zhu, Lin | MA | 2020 | Displacement, Development and Capitalist Modernity: The making and unmaking of Morococha in Central Peru | Yeh |
Buckland, Mollie | MA | 2019 | What is a megafire? Defining the social and physical dimensions of extreme U.S. 欧美口爆视频 (1988-2014) | Balch |
Bukoski, Isaac | MA | 2019 | Summer Runoff Generation in Foothill Catchments of the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Barnard |
Curtis, J. Bryan | MA | 2019 | Improving the Quality of Subalpine Precipitation Measurements with Hydrometeor Information and a Hierarchical Bayesian Gauge Correction Model | Blanken |
Graber, Molly | MA | 2019 | Street-Based Demographics: Why Block-Level Aggregations Fail to Capture Urban Demographic Patterns | Spielman |
Harkavy, Melissa | MA | 2019 | The Truth of a Person: An Empirical Exploration of the Ecological Model for Intimate Partner Violence | Goldman |
Hines, Emmanuelle | MA | 2019 | Hospital Experiences with Hurricane Harvey in Harris County, Texas | Reid |
Hoffman, Noah | MA | 2019 | Lithogenic Mixing Model Approach Identifies Saprolite as the Source of Inorganic Colloids in a Granitoid Catchment | Anderson |
Li, Gina | MA | 2019 | Modeling the Association Between Daily Heat and Mortality in Virginia Climate Divisions | Reid |
Posner, Sarah | MA | 2019 | Climate Change, Food Security and Health of Rural Populations in Isiolo, Kenya | 翱鈥橪辞耻驳丑濒颈苍 |
Rody, Patrick | MA | 2019 | The Influence of Relative Sea Levels and Demographic Factors on Human Out-Migration from Populous Coastal Counties in the United States | Riosmena |
Scholl, Victoria | MA | 2019 | Assessing the integration and pre-processing of NEON airborne remote sensing and in-situ data for optimal tree species classification | Balch |
Shakya, Richa | MA | 2019 | Can a Daughter-In-Law Become a Daughter?: Narratives of Daughters-In-Law鈥檚 Gendered Identity, Home, Marriage and Migration | Fluri |
Wicherski, Will | MA | 2019 | Quantifying Basin-Scale Bed Load Sediment Transport in a High-Energy River System | Pitlick |
Bush, Sidney | MA | 2018 | Assessing the impact of land-use change on surface runoff generation within the Panama Canal Watershed | Barnard |
Dadashi, Sepideh | MA | 2018 | What is a Fire? Identifying Individual Fire Events Using the MODIS Burned Area Product | Balch |
Hale, Katherine | MA | 2018 | Streamflow sensitivity to climate warming and a shift from snowfall to rainfall | Molotch |
Lewis, Nicholas | MA | 2018 | Emerging Use of Single-Channel Short Wave Infrared Imaging for Sea Ice Detection | Serreze |
Menon, Siddharth | MA | 2018 | (De)Constructing Concrete: Meaning and Materiality in Postcolonial India | Goldman |
Morris, Sara | MA | 2018 | Variability of Ground Heat Flux at the Tiksi Station | Serreze |
Morrissey, Martha | MA | 2018 | Modeling Cycling Counts using Crowd-sourced Data | Farmer |
Subia Smith, Gabriella | MA | 2018 | Beyond Property: Formalization of Rural Property in Colombia and the Cartographic State | Bryan |
Williams, Travis | MA | 2018 | Drought Index-Based Insurance for the US Cattle Ranching Industry | Travis |
Bobeck, Jessica | MA | 2017 | Three Dimensional Glacier Flow of Bylot Island derived using Sentinel 1A and 1B | Abdalati |
Chai, Rachel | MA | 2017 | Influences of Stand Development and Climate on Above-Ground Biomass in Sub-Alpine forest Permanent Plats in the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Veblen |
Davies, Rebecca | MA | 2017 | Bridging the Data-Theory Divide Using Regionalization and Uncertainty for Neighborhood Identification | Spielman |
Gladfelter, Sierra Ross | MA | 2017 | Training Rivers, Training People: Interrogating the Making of Disasters and the Politics of Response in Nepal鈥檚 Lower Karnali River Basin. | Yeh |
Hindawi, Abdulsalam | MA | 2017 | Syrian Refugees in Germany: From Safe Haven to Challenges of Othering, Integration and European Settlement | Fluri |
Mahood, Adam | MA | 2017 | Long-Term Effects of Repeated Fires on the Diversity and Composition of Great Basin Sagebrush Plant Communities | Balch |
Mason, Kevin | MA | 2017 | The Labor Market Outcomes of Indigenous Oaxacan Migrants to the Mexico City Metropolitan Area | Riosmena |
Weber, Kristy | MA | 2017 | Using Profiles of Water Vapor Flux to Characterize Turbulence in the Convective Boundary Layer | Blanken |
Lang, Gretchen | MA | 2016 | "Difference in the mouth": alimentality, matter and the meaning of foodways | Oakes |
McCurdy, Adam | MA | 2016 | Simulated climate adaptation in stormwater conveyance structures. | Travis |
Yilmaz, Bunyamin | MA | 2016 | Application of GIS-based fuzzy logic and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to snow avalanche susceptibility mapping, North San Juan, 欧美口爆视频. | Williams |
Andrus, Robert | MA | 2015 | Influences of an active spruce beetle outbreak on fire severity Thomas Veblen in spruce-fir forests in southern 欧美口爆视频 | Veblen |
Baker, Emily | MA | 2015 | Quantifying forest mortality with the remote sensing of snow | Molotch |
Counter, Max | MA | 2015 | La Doble Condicion: Physical Impairment and Internal Displacement in Colombia | Dunn |
Frydenlund, Shae | MA | 2015 | Labor stories from Solukhumbu: case studies of Khaling indigenous discourse and situational Sherpa identity | Yeh |
Tuccillo, Joseph | MA | 2015 | Geodemographic Analysis of Community Vulnerability and Hurricane Sandy | Spielman |
Wilson, Alana | MA | 2015 | Hydrograph Separation Using Hydrochemistry Mixing Models: An Assessment of the Langtang River Basin, Nepal | Williams |
Adams, Hallie | MA | 2014 | Linking Topography, Hydrology, Climate, and Ecology in Semi-arid Forest: Within Catchment Annual Tree Growth and Water Use Efficiency | Barnard |
Burns, Margaret | MA | 2014 | Hillslope Dissolved Organic Matter Transport and Transformation in a Semi-arid Headwater Catchment | Barnard |
Clifford, Katherine | MA | 2014 | Knowing Climate: Examining Climate Knowledges in the Gunnison Basin | Travis |
Cowley, Austin | MA | 2014 | Losing Value: the Problem of Humanitarian Order in a Georgian IDP Camp | Dunn |
Crawford, Alexander | MA | 2014 | A New Look at the Summer Arctic Frontal Zone | Serreze |
Hafich, Katya | MA | 2014 | Of Microbes and Men: Determining Sources of Nitrate in a High Alpine Catchment in the Front Range of 欧美口爆视频 and Science Outreach on Alpine Hydrology | Williams |
Hurley, Allison | MA | 2014 | Comparison and Validation of Arctic Precipitation Fields from three Atmospheric Reanalyses: CFSR, MERRA, ERA-INTERIM | Serreze |
Lee, Ahn | MA | 2014 | Reconceptualizing Environmental Migration: Empirical Findings from Downscaled Estimates of Drought in Rural Mexico | Riosmena |
Rumble, Ashley | MA | 2014 | Law, Space, and Gendered Vulnerability: A Critique of VAWA's Jurisdictional Fix in Indian Country | Jan |
Tynen, Sarah | MA | 2014 | Uneven Housing Development and the Spatial Negotiation of Class in Nanjing, China | O'Loughlin |
Akeson, Cole | MA | 2013 | Scale, Funding and the Law in Ukraine: Delocalizing Organizations and Impoverishing Movements | Dunn |
Alvarez, Claudio | MA | 2013 | Influence of climate variability on radial growth of Nothofagus pumilio near altitudinal treeline in the Andes of northern Patagonia, Chile | Veblen |
Anderson, Scott | MA | 2013 | Sediment Fluxes in a Changing Climate: Tahoma Creek Over Daily to Centennial Time-Scales | Pitlick |
Brayden, Benjamin | MA | 2013 | Mountain Pine Beetle Impacts on Tree Resources and Growth Release in Lodgepole Pine Dominated Subalpine Forest | Beatty |
DeBoom, Meredith | MA | 2013 | Namibian Resources for Namibians? Politics and Geopolitics of Foreign Investment in Namibia's Extractive Industries | O'Loughlin |
Stauffer, Andrew | MA | 2013 | Matching Attribute Resolution to Scale: The Effects of Filtering on DEM Resolution | Buttenfield |
Xu, Li | MA | 2013 | Improving Spatial Accuracy of Mobile Positioning Data in Human Mobility Studies: A Dasymetric Mapping Approach | Foote |
Zeliff, Morgan | MA | 2013 | Hydrochemistry, Residence Time and Nutrient Cycling of Groundwater in Two, Climate-Sensitive, High-Elevation Catchments, 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Williams |
Amante, Chris | MA | 2012 | Accuracy of interpolated bathymetric digital elevation models | Abdalati |
Bartmess, Jennifer | MA | 2012 | Securitization in Yemen, 2000-2010: Shifting Geographies of Political Contention | O'Loughlin |
Gleason, Mike | MA | 2012 | Modeling Pixel Level Error in Fine-Resolution Digital Elevation Models: A Regression-Based Approach | Buttenfield |
Grant, Glenn | MA | 2012 | An analysis of Greenland ice sheet albedo variability using 25 years of AVHRR polar pathfinder data | Serreze |
Jochem, Warren | MA | 2012 | Child Mortality from Lower Respiratory Infections and the Effect of Arsenic-contaminated Drinking Water in Rural Bangladesh | Root |
Kelly, Patrick | MA | 2012 | Subsurface Evolution: Characterizing the physical and geochemical changes in weathered bedrock of Lower Gordon Gulch, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory | Anderson |
Martin, Nathanael | MA | 2012 | Investigation of Multi-Decadal Outlet Glacier Surface Ice Velocities in Greenland | Abdalati |
Meromy, Leah | MA | 2012 | Subalpine Snowpack-Climate Manipulation and Modeling Experiment at Niwot Ridge, CO and Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM | Molotch |
Oppold (Huisenga), Mary | MA | 2012 | Exceedance of 欧美口爆视频 Stream Temperature Standards: The Effects of Effluent and a Warming Climate | Travis |
Perrot, Danielle | MA | 2012 | Nitrate Export Response to Spatially Distributed Snowmelt in Alpine Catchments | Molotch |
Rowen, Ian | MA | 2012 | Chinese Tourists in Taiwan: Tourism and State Territoriality | Oakes |
Bock, Andrew | MA | 2011 | Multiscale landform characterization for land use evaluation using fuzzy sets | Leyk |
Butterworth, Brian | MA | 2011 | A climatological study of the relationship between alpine treeline and thermally-driven upslope winds on Niwot Ridge, 欧美口爆视频 | Blanken |
Gangwer, Kristin | MA | 2011 | Dryness and Desperate Measures: The Implications of Land Tenure on Rocky Mountain Ranchers' Drought Experiences and Behaviors | Travis |
Hicks, Julia | MA | 2011 | Invasion success of the exotic weevil (Rhinocyllus Conicus) at high elevations in the Rocky Mountains of 欧美口爆视频 | Beatty |
Kass, Amanda | MA | 2011 | Rebuilding Haiti? Discourses of Development and Security in Post-Earthquake Haiti | Bryan |
Kroepsch, Adrianne | MA | 2011 | Environmental Conflict at the Energy-Water Nexus | Williams |
Maclaurin, Galen | MA | 2011 | Mapping perceptions of safety and danger in Medellin, Columbia: A study in the perceptual geography of urban crime | Foote |
Petrzelka, Jennifer | MA | 2011 | The Effects of a Climate Manipulation Experiment on Snow Properties, Snow Surface Energy Balance, and Soil Temperature and Moisture Along an Elevation Gradient on NIwot Ridge, 欧美口爆视频 | Williams |
Schubert, Amelia | MA | 2011 | Contesting Koreanness: Migration as a challenge to the ethnic identity of the Korean Chinese | Oakes |
Sheehan, Connor | MA | 2011 | Migration and Informal versus Formal Business Creation in Mexico | Riosmena |
Anderson-Tarver, Christopher | MA | 2010 | Generalizing a Swamp-Marsh Databaase Using Texture | Buttenfield |
Cowie, Rory | MA | 2010 | The Hydrology of Headwater Catchments from the Plains to the Continental Divide, Boulder Creek Watershed, 欧美口爆视频 | Williams |
Korn, David | MA | 2010 | Glacier and Climate Fluctuations in South-Central Alaska as Observed through the PTAA Model | Barry |
LaGreca, Tony | MA | 2010 | Fine Grain Sediment Transport over a Course Grain Gravel Bed | Pitlick |
Parman, Jordan | MA | 2010 | Climatological and Elevational Controls on Organic and Inorganic Nutrients in Stream Waters, Boulder Creek Watershed, 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Williams |
Parsons, Mark | MA | 2010 | Data for Modelers - Helping Understand the Climate System | Buttenfield |
Raudzens Bailey, Adriana | MA | 2010 | Attribution of Wintertime Inversion Frequencies to Synoptic Circulation in the U.S. Southwest | Barry |
Wade, Kendle | MA | 2010 | Performance as a Means of Participatory Development for Kenyan Community Based Organizations | Goldman |
Williams, Adam | MA | 2010 | The Informal Recycler in Shanghai: Mobility, Migration and Citizenship | Oakes |
Booker, Stephanie | MA | 2009 | Correctly and Consistently Christian: Medical Missionaries and Lutheran HIV Prevention in Arusha, Tanzania | Goldman |
Chapman, Teresa | MA | 2009 | Spatio-temporal patterns of mountain pine beetle activity in lodgepole and ponderosa pines of the southern Rocky Mountains | Veblen |
Knowles, John | MA | 2009 | Meteorological Controls on the Seasonal Exchange of Water and Carbon Dioxide from High-Elevation Alpine Tundra at Niwot Ridge, 欧美口爆视频 | Blanken |
Koch, Natalie | MA | 2009 | Nation-Building, Geopolitics, and the Andijon Uprising: Securitizing Discourses in Uzbekistan | O'Loughlin |
Longenecker, H.E. | MA | 2009 | An Evaluation of the Hazus-MH Coastal Flood Model | Travis |
Malm, Kerry | MA | 2009 | Temperature Influences on Phenology and Population Growth of Mountain Pine Beetle Populations in Northern 欧美口爆视频 | Veblen |
McGrath, Daniel | MA | 2009 | Sediment Plumes in Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland as a proxy for runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet | Steffen |
Sampson, Kevin | MA | 2009 | Shallow Firn Layer Climatology Derived from Greenland Climate Network Automatic Weather Station Data | Steffen |
Schwarz, Jessica | MA | 2009 | Travelling off the Beaten Path? A Look at the Burgeoning Community-Based Ecotourism Industry in Tanzania | Goldman |
Sharp, Kevin | MA | 2009 | The Influence of Landfall Variation on Tropical Cyclone Losses in the United States as Simulated by Hazus | Travis |
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy Dissertations
Name | Degree | Year | Title | Advisor |
Helmberger, Meghan | PhD | 2023 | An Analysis of the Arctic Ocean Net Surface Heat Flux and its Components from Atmospheric Reanalyses and Surface Observations | Serreze |
Mason, Kevin | PhD | 2023 | Indigenous Mexicans: Experiences with Discrimination, Prejudice, and Inequality in Mexico and the Unites States: A Quantitative Approach | Riosmena |
Bush, Sidney | PhD | 2022 | Ecohydrologic Processes in the Montane Headwaters of the South Platte River | Barnard |
DeCastro, Amy | PhD | 2022 | Integrating Remote Sensing, Behavior Modeling, and Machine Learning to Better Understand the Patterns and Drivers of Wildfire | Balch |
Hale, Katherine | PhD | 2022 | Changes in Snow Water Storage and Hydrologic Partitioning Across Western North America | Molotch |
Selander, Brittany | PhD | 2022 | Bedrock Hillslopes in the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range and Their Relationship to Channel Incision | Anderson |
Shrestha, Rupak | PhD | 2022 | The Border Came Between Us: Securing Development, Surveillance and Securitization, and Refugee Memory and Placemaking in Nepal | Fluri |
DiCarlo, Jessica | PhD | 2021 | Grounding Global China in Northern Laos: The Making of the Infrastructure Frontier | Yeh |
Mahood, Adam | PhD | 2021 | Evidence for and Mechanisms of Ecosystem Transformation in the Great Basin of the Western United States | Balch |
Snow, Tasha | PhD | 2021 | Evaluating fjord and coastal sea surface temperatures and their implications for glacier variability in Greenland and Antarctica | Abdalati |
Wang, Xi | PhD | 2021 | Powering China: Industrial Surplus, Infrastructure Overcapacity, and Social Reorganization in the Post-Opening Up and Reform Era | Yeh |
Yang, Kehan | PhD | 2021 | Estimating the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent using in situ and remote sensing observations | Molotch |
Birch, Andrew | PhD | 2020 | Land Cover on Runoff Generating Mechanisms and Biogeogchemical Processes in Central Panama | Barnard |
Chapman, Teresa | PhD | 2020 | Effects of disturbance patterns on montaine and subalpine forests in 欧美口爆视频 | Veblen |
Counter, Max | PhD | 2020 | Land on Trial: Forced Displacement, Historic Memory and Land Restitution in Colombia | Bryan |
Duojie, Zhaxie | PhD | 2020 | Tibetan Farmers in Transition: Urbanization, Development and Labor Migration in Amdo | Yeh |
Frydenlund, Shae | PhD | 2020 | Support from the South: How Refugee Labor Reproduces Cities | Yeh |
Marini, Daniela | PhD | 2020 | Nature, Race and Nation in Argentina's Soy Boom | Bryan |
Tuccillo, Joseph | PhD | 2020 | Individual-Oriented Assessment of Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards | Spielman |
Andrus, Robbie | PhD | 2019 | The Impacts of Climate Change and Biotic Disturbances on Regeneration Dynamics in Subalpine Forests | Veblen |
Clifford, Katherine | PhD | 2019 | Fugitive Dust: How Dust Escapes Regulation and Remains Inscrutable | Travis |
Cunningham, Angela | PhD | 2019 | The War Each Soldier Brings Home: American Great War Veterans as Mediators of Militarism鈥檚 Geographies | Travis |
Ghandehari, Mehran | PhD | 2019 | Cross-Scale Analysis of Surface-Adjusted Measurements in Digital Elevation Models | Buttenfield |
Grigsby, Shane P. | PhD | 2019 | Greenland Surface Roughness Retrieval and Status | Abdalati |
Longenecker, Herbert Eugene (Gene) III | PhD | 2019 | Gene Evaluating the Effects of Induced Development on Flood Hazards and Losses in U.S. Communities with Levees | Travis |
Malone, Aaron | PhD | 2019 | Collective Remittances as Mobile Policy: Institutionalization of Mexico鈥檚 3 x 1 Program and the evolution of diaspora development | Riosmena |
Rodman, Kyle | PhD | 2019 | Forest Cover Change and Post-Fire Response in the Southern Rocky Mountains | Veblen |
Ryan, Caitlin | PhD | 2019 | Urban Transformation, Conflict and Everyday Life in Osh, Kyrgyzstan: From Socialist Legacy to Territorializations of History and Memory | Fluri |
Tynan, Sarah | PhD | 2019 | Uneven State Territorialization: Governance, Inequality and Survivance in Xinjiang, China | 翱鈥橪辞耻驳丑濒颈苍 |
Uhl, Johannes | PhD | 2019 | Spatio-Temporal Information Extraction Under Uncertainty Using Multi-Source Data Integration and Machine Learning: Applications to Human Settlement Modelling | Leyk |
Yang, Yang | PhD | 2019 | Seeking Knowledge Even Unto China via Alternative Routes: Grassroots Muslim Connections, The New Silk Road, and the Hui in Xi鈥檃n, China | Oakes |
Amante, Christopher | PhD | 2018 | Consideration of Elevation Uncertainty in Coastal Flood Models | Abdalati |
Barnhart, Theodore | PhD | 2018 | The Response of Streamflow and Evapotranspiration to Changes in Snowmelt Across the Western United States | Molotch |
Burns, Sean | PhD | 2018 | The Influence of Warm-Season Precipitation on Water Cycling and the Surface Energy Budget within and just-above a 欧美口爆视频 Subalpine Forest in Mountainous Terrain: Measurements and Modeling | Blanken |
DeBoom, Meredith | PhD | 2018 | Developmental Fusion: Chinese Investment, Resource Nationalism, and the Distributive Politics of Uranium Mining in Namibia | 翱鈥橪辞耻驳丑濒颈苍 |
Fertaly, Kaitlin | PhD | 2018 | Insecurity and Endurance in Post-Soviet Armenia: A Study of Gender, Geopolitics and Dispossession | Fluri |
Gifford, Lauren | PhD | 2018 | See the Carbon through the Trees: Market-Based Climate Change Mitigation, Forest Carbon Offsets, and the Power of Carbon Accounting | Travis |
Jennings, Keith | PhD | 2018 | Evaluating the Climatic and Energy Balance Controls on Snow Accumulation and Melt in Mountain Snowpacks | Molotch |
Lovell, Eric | PhD | 2018 | Range of Lines: Exploring the Mobilities, Maps and Technologies that Shape Tanzania鈥檚 Northern Rangelands | Goldman |
MacFerrin, Michael | PhD | 2018 | Rapid Expansion of Greenland鈥檚 Low-Permeability Ice Slabs in a Warming Climate | Abdalati |
Smith, Samuel A. | PhD | 2018 | Space, Place, and Story: Museum Geographies and Narratives of the American West | Foote |
Zhang, Qinghuan | PhD | 2018 | Modeling the hydrology and hydrochemistry of the Boulder Creek Watershed | Molotch |
Bredemeyer, William | PhD | 2017 | Racial, socioeconomic Status and Age distribution oer time in the U.S.: Trajectories of Neighborhood Segregation in 1970-2010 | Spielman |
Correia, Joel | PhD | 2017 | Life in the Gap: Indigeneity, Dispossession and land rights in the Paraguayan Chaco. | Bryan |
Crawford, Alexander | PhD | 2017 | The Influence of the Arctic Frontal Zone on Summer Cyclone Activity Today and in the Future | Serreze |
Grant, Glenn | PhD | 2017 | Exploring Antarctic Land Surface Temperature Extremes Using Condensed Anomaly Databases | Serreze |
Hill, Alice | PhD | 2017 | Clarifying Hydrologic Controls of Remote Mountain Water Resources Across Varying Scales Through Development of a Rapid Hydrologic Assessment Methodology | Molotch |
Murton, Galen | PhD | 2017 | Border Corridors: Mobility, Containment and Infrastructures of Development between Nepal and China. | Yeh |
Naficy, Cameron | PhD | 2017 | A Cross-Scale Assessment of Historical Fire Severity Patterns, Landscape Dynamics and Methodological Challenges in Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes of the Northern U.S. Rockies. | 听 |
Schneider, Dominik | PhD | 2017 | Understanding the Distribution of Snow Using Remotely Sensed Snow Covered Area | Molotch |
Todd, Meagan | PhD | 2017 | Political geographies of religions in Russia: Mosques, churches, the state and social movements in Moscow. | 翱鈥橪辞耻驳丑濒颈苍 |
Wilson, Alana | PhD | 2017 | High Asia鈥檚 Glaciers: Water Resources, Water Security and Scientific Capacity Building | Molotch |
Wright, Kathryn | PhD | 2017 | Dreams of a Better Life: Senegalese Migrants in Harlem and Denver and a Re-Framing of the Relationship Between Development, Transnational Migration, Integration and Place | Riosmena |
Zoraghein, Hamidreza | PhD | 2017 | Creating Temporally Consistent Small Area Census Units Using Advanced Combinations of Areal Interpolation and Spatial Refinement: Method Development and Assessment | Leyk |
Jochem, Warren | PhD | 2016 | Social and spatio-temporal patterns of arsenic exposure and the impacts on respiratory health in rural Bangladesh | Root |
Kelly (Hicks), Julia | PhD | 2016 | Influences of anthropogenic and bark beetles disturbances on breeding bird populations in the U.S. Rocky Mountains: Lessons from the American three-toed woodpecker | Veblen |
Mills, Taylor Joseph | PhD | 2016 | Water chemistry under a changing hydrologic regime: investigations into the interplay between hydrology and water-quality in arid and semi-arid watersheds in 欧美口爆视频, USA | Anderson |
Reiff, Eric | PhD | 2016 | Backyard Authenticity: Urban Backyard Food Production as the New Agrarian Ethics of Authenticity in Practice | Goldman |
Rodd, Joshua | PhD | 2016 | Humanitarianism, Health & a Hybrid Regime: The Geography of Cooperation, Conflict & Care in Refugee-Hosting Rural Uganda. | O'Loughlin |
Rowen, Ian | PhD | 2016 | The Geopolitics of Tourism: mobilities, territory and protest in Taiwan and China. | Oakes |
Schubert-Zhang, Amelia | PhD | 2016 | Impacts of Female Out-migration on ethnic Korean communities in China | Oakes |
Anderson-Tarver, Christopher | PhD | 2015 | Crisis Mapping the 2010 Earthquake in OpenStreetMap Haiti | Buttenfield |
Auger, Mason | PhD | 2015 | Boundless, Wild and Free: An Exploration of human-wildlife ecologies in Greater Yellowstone. | Bryan |
Gartner, Meredith | PhD | 2015 | The occurrence, severity and interaction of mountain pine beetle and wildfire in the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range | Veblen |
Humphrey, Jamie | PhD | 2015 | Neighborhood Effects on Behavioral and Educational Trajectories of U.S. Children and Adolescents | Root |
Knowles, John | PhD | 2015 | Spacio-temporal patterns of soil respiration and the age of respired carbon from high-elevataion alpine tundra. | Blanken |
Maclaurin, Galen | PhD | 2015 | Reverse engineering the National Land Cover Database: a machine learning algorithm for extending land cover data in the spatial and temporal domains. | Leyk |
Moukomla, Sitthisak | PhD | 2015 | The estimation of the surface energy balance of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes using satellite remote sensing and Merra reanalysis | Blanken |
Moussavi, Mahsa | PhD | 2015 | Quantifying supraglacial lake volumes on the Greenland ice sheet from spaceborne optical sensors | Abdalati |
Petchprayoon, Pakorn | PhD | 2015 | Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on the Surface Energy Balance of Lake Huron. (Estimation of Surface Energy Balance Components: Remote Sensing Approach for Water - Atmosphere Parameterizations) | Blanken |
Rother , Monica | PhD | 2015 | Conifer regeneration after wildfire in low-elevation forests of the 欧美口爆视频 Front Range: Implications of a warmer, drier climate | Veblen |
Skog, Lindsay | PhD | 2015 | The Beyul Campaign: Spatial articulations of territory and religion in Khumbu, Nepal | Yeh |
Cowie, Rory | PhD | 2014 | Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in Natural and Mining Impacted Mountain Catchments | Williams |
Hart, Sarah | PhD | 2014 | Climate variability and the susceptibility of Engelmann spruce to spruce beetle outbreak in northwestern 欧美口爆视频 | Veblen |
Klingberg, Travis | PhD | 2014 | Exploring place: how independent tourism is changing the politics of geographic knowledge in China | Oakes |
Malmberg, Julie | PhD | 2014 | Social, Demographic and Environmental Influences on Perceptions and Memories of Weather, Climate and Climate Change | Blanken |
Roberts, Tyler | PhD | 2014 | Panel Data Analysis in the Demographic and Spatial Econometric Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Sources 1960-2010 | Foote |
Wendel, Jochen | PhD | 2014 | An Evaluation of Organization Methods for Data Types Commonly Used in the Geographic Domain | Buttenfield |
Williams, Adam | PhD | 2014 | Excess and Access: Informal Recycling Networks and Participants in Shanghai, China | Oakes |
Arcand, Naomi | PhD | 2013 | Demography and Genetic Diversity of the Endemic Tree Fern Cibotium chamissoi on O鈥檃hu Island, Hawai鈥檌: A Multi-Method Analysis of Population Dynamics, with Implications For Conservation | Beatty |
Cumming, William | PhD | 2013 | Fine scale climatic and soil variability and its effect on plant species establishment and abundance along the Front Range of 欧美口爆视频, USA | Beatty |
Linke, Andrew | PhD | 2013 | Post-Election Violence in Kenya: Place-Based Explanations of Conflict | O'Loughlin |
McGrath, Daniel | PhD | 2013 | Basal crevasses and suture zones in the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Implications for ice shelf stability in a warming climate | Steffen |
Stewart, Michelle | PhD | 2013 | The Rise and Governance of 'Himalayan Gold': Transformations in the Caterpillar Fungus Commons of Tibetan Yunnan, China | Yeh |
Clarke-Sather, Afton | PhD | 2012 | From The Heavens to the Markets: Development, Nation, and the Mediation of Water in Northwest China | Oakes |
Ga, er rang | PhD | 2012 | Alternative Development on the Tibetan Plateau: The Case of the Slaughter Renunciation Movement | Yeh |
Hickcox, Abby | PhD | 2012 | Open Space? Environmentalism and the Politics of Belonging in Boulder, 欧美口爆视频 | Yeh |
Holland, Edward | PhD | 2012 | Buddhism in Post-Soviet Russia: The Geographic Contexts of 'Revival' | O'Loughlin |
Hong, Jung Eun | PhD | 2012 | Web-Based GIS for Middle School Teachers: Using Online Mapping Applications to Promote Teacher Adoption | Foote |
Jones, Bryan | PhD | 2012 | A Model for Producing Large-Scale Spatially Explicit Future Population Scenarios | Riosmena |
Koch, Natalie | PhD | 2012 | The City and the Steppe: Territory, Technologies of Government, and Kazakhstan's New Capital | O'Loughlin |
Levy, Adam | PhD | 2012 | Territory and Sovereignty in a Borderland: The Case of Moldova | O'Loughlin |
Mueller, Erich | PhD | 2012 | Landscape Controls on Sediment Supply and Stream Channel Morpho-Dynamics in the Northern Rocky Mountains | Pitlick |
Nyima, Yonten | PhD | 2012 | From 'Retire Livestock, Restore Rangeland' to the Compensation for Ecological Services: State Interventions into Rangeland Ecosystems and Pastoralism in Tibet | Yeh |
Palmer, Joni | PhD | 2012 | The Politics of "the Public": Public Art, Urban Regeneration and the Postindustrial City - the Case of Downtown Denver | Oakes |
Smith, Jeremy | PhD | 2012 | An Examination of Background Tree Mortality and Mountain Pine Beetle Disturbance in Subalpine Forests of the Front Range of 欧美口爆视频, USA | Veblen |
Hamerlinck, Jeff | PhD | 2011 | Planning Support System Implementation in Rural Local Government | Buttenfield |
Racoviteanu, Adina | PhD | 2011 | Himalayan Glaciers and "voodoo science": Combining remote sensing, field techniques and indigenous knowledge to understand spatio-temporal patterns of glacier changes and their impact on water resources | Williams |
Simon, Claire | PhD | 2011 | Disjunctures and Contradictions: the Role of Measurement in Poverty Representation, Policy, and Development Practice | Oakes |
Viger, Roland | PhD | 2011 | Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Keywords to Characterize Geographic Information Systems Procedures | Buttenfield |
Zader, Amy | PhD | 2011 | Grain as Commodity: The Making of Chinese Consumer-Citizens through the Northeast Rice Network | Oakes |
Adler, John | PhD | 2010 | Assessing Supraglacial Water Volume and the Changing Dynamics of the Surface Topography Near the Jakobshavn Glacier, Greenland | Steffen |
Holmberg, Molly | PhD | 2010 | Mapping climate change: Six U.S. case studies | Foote |
Muto, Atsuhiro | PhD | 2010 | Multi-Decadal Surface Temperature Trends in East Antarctica Inferred from Borehold Firn Temperature Measurements and Geophysical Inverse Methods | Steffen |
Phillips, Thomas | PhD | 2010 | The impact of advancing surface melt on the ice temperature of the Sermeq Avannarleq Glacier - a model approach | Steffen |
Riggins, Susan | PhD | 2010 | The production and evolution of mobile regolith: Modeled soil production and measured chemical weathering | Anderson |
Sitko, Nick | PhD | 2010 | The fractured politics of food security: maize, power, and hunger on a Zambian frontier | Dunn |
Ward, Luke | PhD | 2010 | The Bureaucracy of Nature: How Integrated Resource Management Excludes the Poor | Dunn |
Holz, C. Andras | PhD | 2009 | Climatic and Human Influences on Fire Regimes and Forest Dynamics in Temperate Rain Forests in Southern Chile | Veblen |
Partisis, Juan | PhD | 2009 | Insect Defoliator Outbreaks and Environmental Heterogeneity in Nothofagus Forests in the Patagonian Andes | Veblen |
Pullen, Nancy Hoalst | PhD | 2008 | Soil properties and hydrologic processes in tropical forest dynamics plots of Panama, Ecuador and Malaysia | Beatty |
Witmer, Frank | PhD | 2007 | The Effects of War on Land-Use/Land-Cover Change: An Analysis of Landsat Imagery for Northeast Bosnia | O'Loughlin |