Robotics, Optimization, and Constrained Control

Ski Day 2019 (left to right: Marco M. Nicotra, Bryan Convens, Kelly Merckaert)

Hike Day 2019 (left to right: Marco M. Nicotra, Jieqiu Shao, Andrea Mengozzi)

Ski Day 2020 (Canceled due to Covid-19)

Hike Day 2020 (left to right: Thomas L. Dearing, Jonathan Hanson, Terrence Skibik, Marco M. Nicotra, Jieqiu Shao)

Ski Day 2021 (left to right: Marco M. Nicotra, Thomas L. Dearing, Terrence Skibik, Marco Pomponio, Jonathan Hanson, Jieqiu Shao)

Hike Day 2021 (left to right: Jonathan Hanson, Yaashia Gautam, Manuel Pusch, Thomas L. Dearing, Jieqiu Shao, Marco M. Nicotra, Terrence Skibik, John Hauser, Lucy Pao, David Stockhouse, Renee Spear)

Ski Day 2021 (left to right: Marco M. Nicotra, Aoife Henry, Lucy Pao, Senu Sirnivas, Thomas L. Dearing, Manuel Pusch, David Stockhouse, Marco Pomponio, Terrence Skibik, Renee Spear)

ACC 2022 (Atlanta): Jieqiu Shao, stalked by a shark during our first post-covid conference

Hike Day 2022 (left to right: Thomas Lee Dearing, Mantas Naris, Oreo, Marco M. Nicotra, Terrence Skibik, Victor Freire Melgizo, Nagaraj Srinivasa Murthy)

CDC 2022 (Cancun): Photo by Terrence Skibik, who somehow managed to snag a room with a view

Ski Day 2023 (left to right: Victor Freire Melgizo, Marco Pomponio, Terrence Skibik, Marco M. Nicotra, Thomas Lee Dearing)

ACC 2023 (San Diego): J. Shao, T. Skibik, and M.M. Nicotra before the farewell reception cruise around the harbor

IFAC 2023 (Yokohama): M.M. Nicotra, T. Skibik, Y. Gautam, and T.L. Dearing strolling around Shinjuku on our way to a delicious Kobe beef teppanyaki

Hike Day 2023 (clockwise from the left: Yaashia Gautam, Walden Marshall, Thomas Dearing, Marco Pomponio, Mantas Naris, Jieqiu Shao, Victor Freire, Sara Kamali, Daan Van der Velden, Emily Jensen)

CDC 2023 (Singapore): M.M. Nicotra and V. Freire in front of the Merlion overlooking the Marina Bay Sands

Capstone 2024 (Still Compiling): Daniel Lee, Aidan Fitton, Samuel Robertson, Nasser Allanqawi, Frank Mcdermott, Marco M. Nicotra, Gabriel Altman, Eric Bogatin, Timothy Tomerlin

Commencement 2024: Dr. Terrence Skibik and Dr. Jieqiu Shao, posing with their former advisor

ACC 2024 (Toronto): Conference banquet held at the Royal Ontario Museum, because who doesn't love dinosaurs?

Hike Day 2024 (left to right: Addie Mccurdy, Matthew Baughman, Walden Marshall, Victor Freire Melgizo, Simon Jones, Ali Sulehria)
Robotics, Optimization, and Constrained Control
The ROCC group is currently on the lookout for talented graduate students interested in learning how systems and controls theory can be used to solve a variety of real-world applications. If you would like to learn more about my research and discuss possible openings, feel free to contact me.