
I am the wife of my college sweetheart and mom of twins. I strive to be my authentic self.

  • My first name and last name are the same in English. However, in Chinese, they are represented by distinct characters with different tones and meanings. My last name 刘 is quite common in China, while my first?name 柳 translates to "willow,"?akin to the tree.
  • A group of friends and I co-founded a karaoke house called , the first Asian-style Karaoke house in Pittsburgh, located at 214 S Craig St near CMU. It's closed after the pandemic after 10 years of operation, but it always holds a special place in my heart. Singing with friends is an absolute delight!
  • I love practicing Tai Chi. I am a member of in Boulder.?

    “Tai Chi is a practice of the ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy that life and the universe are combinations and constant exchanges of Yin and Yang. The main concept of Tai Chi exercise is to be gentle but firm, to defeat toughness with softness, and to achieve tranquility in motion.” (from ) ?

  • "What you practice grows stronger" <3