Recent Publications
Francisca Antman
- "," (withKirk B. Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce A. Weinberg)AEA Papers and Proceedings,May 2024.
- "," (with Brian Duncan)AEA Papers and Proceedings,May 2024.
- ","(withKirk B. Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce A. Weinberg)AEA Papers and Proceedings,May 2024.
- "," (with Kalena E. Cortes)Journal of Economic Literature, Sept 2023.
- "," (with James Flynn)Journal of Development Economics,conditionally accepted.
- ","The Review of Economics and Statistics, November 2023.

Sara Avila Forcada
- "Messages That Foster a Sense of Belonging Improve Learning and Satisfaction: An Experiment in an Online Environment,"American Economics Association Papers and Proceedings,Vol. 113, pp. 514-18,May 2023.

Tania Barham
- "," (with Karen Macours and John Maluccio)Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.
- ","(with Randall Kuhn and Patrick Turner)Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.

Brian Cadena
- "" (with Brian K. Kovak and Maria Esther Caballero)Journal of International Economics, 145, November 2023.

Jeronimo Carballo
- "" (with Kyle Handley and Nuno Limao)Journal of International Economics,forthcoming.

Yongmin Chen
- "," (with Jianpei Li and Jin Zhang)International Economic Review, forthcoming.

Karen Gebhardt
- “Success rate disparities between online and face-to-face economics courses: Understanding the impacts of student affiliation and course modality,” (with Melanie G. Long and Kelly McKenna) Online Learning, 2023.
- "Closing the gap? The ability of adaptive learning courseware to close outcome gaps in Principles of Microeconomics," (with Blake, C.D.) Education Sciences, 14(9), 1025, 2024.
- "Methods to Enhance Community through Messaging in the Online Classroom," (with McKenna, K.). Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal.3(1), 6-15, 2024.

Murat Iyigun
- "," (with Joris Muller and Nancy Qian)American Economic Review,May 2024.

Taylor Jaworski
- "," (with Carl Kitchens and Sergey Nigai) International Economic Review, accepted.
- "," (withAlex Hollingsworth, Carl Kitchens, and Ivan Rudik)Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics,conditionally accepted.

Daniel Kaffine
- "Sharing and expanding the co-benefits of conservation," (with Renato Molina and Christopher Costello) Ecological Economics, 2024.
- "Decline in Traffic Congestion Increased Crash Severity in the Wake of COVID-19," (with Jonthan Hughes and Leah Kaffine) Transportation Research Record, 2023.

Wolfgang Keller
- ","(with Kun Jiang, Larry Qiu, and William Ridley) Journal of International Economics, forthcoming.
- "," (with Hâle Utar) Journal of International Economics, November 2023.
- ","(with Teresa Molina and William W. Olney) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, July 2023.

Miles Spencer Kimball
- "," (with Daniel J. Benjamin, Kristen B. Cooper, Ori Heffetz)Annual Review of Economics, forthcoming.
- ","(with Benjamin, Daniel, Jakina Debnam Guzman, Marc Fleurbaey, Ori Heffetz)Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.

Xiaodong Liu
- “," (withChih-Sheng Hsieh and Michael Kӧnig)The RAND Journal of Economics, 2024.

Richard Mansfield
- "," (with Zachary Szlendak) Journal of Human Resources, accepted.

Adam McCloskey
- "," (with Philipp Ketz)Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
- "," (with Pascal Michaillat)Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
- "," (with Isaiah Andrews and Toru Kitagawa)Quarterly Journal of Economics, 139 (2024), 305-358.
- ","Biometrika,111 (2024), 109-127.

Terra McKinnish
- "Male Wage Inequality and Characteristics of 'Early Mover' Marriages," (with Hani Mansour)Journal of Population Economics, 36(1), 2023.

Sergey Nigai
- ","Journal of International Economics, May 2023.
- "," (with Taylor Jaworski and Carl Kitchens)International Economic Review, accepted.

Alessandro Peri
- ","(with Chad Brown and Jeronimo Carballo) Journal of Law and Economics, accepted.
- "!" (with Larry Karp and Armon Rezai)Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, accepted.
- "," (with Omar Rachedi and Iacopo Varotto)The Review of Economics and Statistics, accepted.

Carol Shiue
- "," Journal of Economic History, forthcoming.

Yangwei Song
- "," Games and Economic Behavior, May 2023.
- "," Econometrica, Nov 2023.

Stephanie Weber
- "," (with Kenneth Gillingham and Marten Ovaere)Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, forthcoming.
- "," (with Kenneth Gillingham, Arthur van Benthem, Mohamed Ali Saafi, and Xin He)American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings, 2023.