Being Kind to Your Colleagues

The tools are a resource for you whenever you need them. You can use them now, or come back to them in moments of opportunity or challenge throughout the year. These tools are intended to support your wellness as an educator and to help you cultivate and deepen your relationships with colleagues.
Deepen connections with colleagues:
- Text a colleague a few things that you appreciate about them.
- Leave a sticky note of appreciation on a colleague’s desk.Ìý
- Ask how a colleague is doing and make intentional time for engaged listening.
Share an inspiring quote with a colleague that brings you a sense of ease and joy.Ìý
Send silent wishes for your collective work as educators:Ìý
May our work together benefit students, families, and educators.
- May our work bring a sense of peace and community for those who feel alone.
- May the benefit of our work radiate out and connect to those who need it.
- May we know that our perseverance, compassion and care are important.
Send a silent wish of kindness to:
A colleague whom you know well.Ìý
- A colleague whom you don’t know very well.Ìý
- A colleague who may be having a hard time.