Here is a list ofrecentCAS events:
For events frompast academic years, clickhere.

Dennis McGilvray

Islam is not a Tamil Religion in Sri Lanka 2024.09.12

CAS Luncheon Series Thursday, September 12 at 12:30 Denison Arts & Sciences Building 1080 Broadway Room 146 Islam cannot be a “Tamil” religion in Sri Lanka because Muslims in the island do not consider themselves to be Tamils. Although the Muslims (Moors) of Sri Lanka are native Tamil speakers with a significant literary tradition – many of whom live as farmers, fishermen, and shopkeepers side-by-side with Hindu and Christian Tamils...
keynote poster with image of the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama's Future Succession: Understanding the 14th Dalai Lama and His Formidable Contributions 2024.09.13

Dr. Dawa Lokyitsang Friday, September 13 at 4 pm Hale 230 Reception to follow All are invited to join us on Friday, September 13 for a keynote lecture by Dr. Dawa Lokyitsang on "The Dalai Lama's Future Succession: Understanding the 14 th Dalai Lama and His Formidable Contributions." Scholars Tenzin Dorjee (Columbia University), Cameron Warner (Aarhus University), and Nicole Willock (Old Dominion University) will be respondents for the lecture. Free...
Kimberly Kay Hoang

Spiderweb Capitalism: How Global Elites Exploit Frontier Markets 2024.09.19

Thursday, September 19, 2024 12:30-1:30pm MST Ketchum 1B40 with Kimberly Kay Hoang In 2015, the anonymous leak of the Panama Papers brought to light millions of financial and legal documents exposing how the superrich hide their money using complex webs of offshore vehicles. Spiderweb Capitalism takes you inside this shadow economy, uncovering the mechanics behind the invisible, mundane networks of lawyers, accountants, company secretaries, and fixers who facilitate the illicit...
poster with picture of speaker

Manufacturing Consent for Hindu Rashtra (Rule): How the Virtual Ramjanmabhoomi Movement Operates as Political Religion 2024.09.26

Sept 26, 2024, 5:30pm-6:30pm Eaton Humn 250 On November 9, 2019, the Indian Supreme Court (ISC) rendered a decision granting Hindus the right to build a Rama temple on the location of Babri Masjid razed by Hindu extremists in 1992. This talk explores the broad contours of the ISC judgement, how Facebook and Twitter communities discuss it, and why this matters politically in India. Prof. Sundaram shows how the ISC’s...