
The AMRC providesgrants, scholarshipsand awards to support both institutionally-affiliated and independent scholars working on American music research. TheGeorge Lynn Memorial Award for Research andPerformance and several scholarships for College of Music studentsare examples how research is made possiblethrough the AMRC. Visiting scholars and the public are always welcome tovisitby appointment. Highlighted below are examples of current research initiatives and students research from theAMRC collections.

Research initiatives

A musical ethnography of Pueblo, ŷڱƵ

Exploringthe piano music by Black women composers

Student research

Engraving and Performing George Lynn’s Works for Viola and Piano

Ashley Santorecreatedperformance editions, performed, and recorded twopieces of Lynn's music:Conversare fra Viola ed Piano and Pleasantry for Viola and Piano.

A Study of George Lynn's Choral Style, as Observed Through Two Settings of Walt Whitman Poetry

Dan Wesslerframed hisstudy around two of Lynn'schoral settings of Whitman texts:I Hear America Singing, written in 1937, andWhen the Full-Grown Poet Came, written in 1978.

Take Two Knees – A concert by Anoushka Divekar

Recent College of Music Clarinet Performance and Music Education graduate, Anoushka Divekar, debuted, a virtual concert she and collaborators created from works by Black Female composers.

Eirini Tornesaki: Exploring Intercultural Dialogue through Greek Music

At Berklee Global Jazz Institute, Greek musicians are leading a rediscovery of intercultural dialogue through music. At the forefront of these efforts is Cretan singer Eirini Tornesaki (also known by her artist name, Erini)

'Hidden Voices' Uncovers Neglected Group of Composers

Professor of Piano PedagogyAlejandro Cremaschiand his students are uncovering a neglected group of composers rarely visible in the world of classical piano music through their new project,“Hidden Voices.”

Editing and arranging George Lynn: Three short choral works linked through poetry

Brian Stone edited and arranged George Lynn's music drawing onthree poems, "An Ended Day," by Walt Whitman, "Look at the Stars," by Ralf Waldo Emerson, and "Moons Ending," by Sara Teasdale.

Performing from the George Lynn Collection

Emilie Bertramtranscribed, edited, and, with the help of the ŷڱƵ choirs, perform;Being and Breath, written for SATB choir, andJohnny Has Gone for a Soldier, from the AMRC George Lynn Collection.

Transcribing the George Lynn Collection for Classical Guitar

Isabella Fincher transcribedfour works for classical guitarfrom the George Lynn Collection thatshowcased the diversity ofLynn’s instrumental works,from atonal to strongly melodic.