Published: Nov. 12, 2012

The University of ŷڱƵ Boulder enrolled more international students during the 2011-12 academic year and sent more students abroad during the 2010-11 academic year than any other higher education institution in ŷڱƵ.

The data, released today by the Institute of International Education in its annual Open Doors Report, shows that ŷڱƵ-Boulder was home to 1,681 international students during the 2011-12 school year. ŷڱƵ-Boulder sent 1,316 students overseas during the 2010-11 school year.

“Global student experiences enrich the academic and cultural environment of our campus and beyond,” said ŷڱƵ-Boulder Chancellor Philip P. DiStefano. “They create some of our best ambassadors around the world who do our community great honor.”

In his State of the Campus Address on Oct. 16, DiStefano described ŷڱƵ-Boulder’s goal to increase the international student population on campus to 3,240 -- 10 percent of the student body.

ŷڱƵ-Boulder has held the No. 1 spot in ŷڱƵ for sending and receiving international students for more than 10 years, according to Larry Bell, director of ŷڱƵ-Boulder’s Office of International Education.

“For over a decade, we’ve been a leader in the state for international education, which -- by the way -- contributes more than $48 million annually to the Boulder economy,” said Bell. “But more importantly, international education through our students’ pursuit of some of the greatest academic, research and service endeavors around the globe brings invaluable diversity and growth to individuals and our communities.”

ŷڱƵ-Boulder also ranked No. 12 in the nation for study abroad participation in semester-long programs.

The Open Doors Report on the flow of students to and from the United States is released annually in conjunction with International Education Week, which this year is Nov. 12-16. The week of celebration is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education.

Other top-ranking ŷڱƵ institutions recognized in this year’s Open Doors Report include the University of Denver and ŷڱƵ State University.

For more information about the Institute of International Education and the Open Doors Report visit . For more information about international education at ŷڱƵ-Boulder and International Education Week events visit .

Larry Bell, 303-492-8058
Elizabeth Lock, ŷڱƵ media relations, 303-492-3117

Students play cards during -- a weekly gathering during the academic year hosted at the University Memorial Union by ŷڱƵ-Boulder's Office of International Education. (Patrick Campbell/University of ŷڱƵ Boulder)

“For over a decade, we’ve been a leader in the state for international education, which -- by the way -- contributes more than $48 million annually to the Boulder economy,” said Larry Bell, director of ŷڱƵ-Boulder’s Office of International Education. “But more importantly, international education through our students’ pursuit of some of the greatest academic, research and service endeavors around the globe brings invaluable diversity and growth to individuals and our communities.”