The UCBRFA Presents: Volcanic Wonders Unveiled with Professor Bill Emery

The Retired Faculty Association welcomes Bill Emery, Emeritus Professor ofAerospace Engineering with his presentation titledVolcanic Wonders Unveiled

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Explore the captivating world of volcanic eruptions and lava flows with Bill, a seasoned observer of Kilauea's geological wonders. Bill will share hispersonal experiences with Kilauea, from witnessing the volcanic fog in Honolulu to getting up close and personal with lava flows. We'll also learn about the various phases of Kilauea's eruptions and gain unique insights into this fascinating natural phenomenon.


Bill grew up in theHawaiian Islands. Hemade trips from Honolulu to the Big Island as a kid but Kilauea was not active for most of these trips. When it was active he experienced the volcanic fog (vog)in Honolulu. He had his first experience seeing lava in 2003 when his family went to the Big Island prior to hisparents 50thwedding anniversary. Pu’u o’o , avolcanic cone on the eastern rift zone of Kīlaueahad been erupting and lava was flowing into the sea. Along the “chain of craters road” he watched the steam plume rising from where the lava was entering the sea. A rope across the road barred entry.However hewent furtherto see hot lava entering the sea.

He hasbuilt houses on the Big Island and starting in 2011 began regularly observing the Kilauea and Pu’u o’o eruptions. This continued year by yearuntildramatic changes occurred in 2018. He’s been on a boat to see lava a total of 4 times and got very close to where lava was entering the sea from Pu’u o’o. This was the same boat that later experienced a lava bomb coming through the roof and injuring 23 people. After the big changes of 2018 things were quiet till 2021. Kilauea started erupting again on Sept. 26, 2021 It continued up to a couple of months ago. He will describe the various phases of the Kilauea and Pu’u o’o eruptions. Volcano updates can be found atand search for volcanoes.