Wildfires Cause Long-Term Shifts In Stream Nutrient Dynamics

Rhea , Allison E 1 ; Covino , Tim P 2 ; Rhoades , Chuck 3 1 Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ State University 2 Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ State University 3 USFS, Rocky Mountain Research Station Wildfires influence stream nutrient processing by fundamentally altering the physical structure and biological composition of upland landscapes, riparian corridors, and...

Investigating Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems In Dominica, Lesser Antilles: Temporal Changes In The Chemical Composition Of Hydrothermal Fluids For Volcanic Monitoring Using Geothermometers

Onyeali , Mazi-Mathias C 1 ; Joseph , Erouscilla P 2 ; Frey , Holli 3 1 Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder 2 The University of Trinidad and Tobago 3 Union College Dominica has an abundance of volcanic activity, with nine (9) potentially active volcanoes, many of which have highly active volcanic-hydrothermal systems...

StreamSurf: Estimation Of River Stage, Velocity And Discharge Using Computer Vision

Leonard , Ryan E 1 ; Heckman , Christoffer 2 ; Minear , J. Toby 3 ; Anderson , Robert S 4 1 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ at Boulder, Department of Computer Science 2 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ at Boulder, Department of Computer Science 3 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ, Boulder and Cooperative Institute...

Dune And Ripple Scaling Dynamics

2 Presenting Author 1 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ at Boulder, Geological Sciences 2 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ at Boulder, Geological Sciences 3 Snow bedforms cover around 8% of the world, mainly on Greenland and Antarctica. Despite being more widespread than sand dunes but have not been the subject of as much research...

Seasonal Fluctuations In Tree Water Sourcing At H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest

Jarvis , Stephanie K 1 ; Barnard , Holly 2 ; Singah , Kamini 3 1 INSTAAR 2 INSTAAR 3 Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ School of Mines The model of ecohydrological separation suggests that trees source water from a different subsurface pool than what is contributing to stream flow during dry periods, however...

Snowmelt And Rain Partitioning In The Critical Zone At Snowmelt-Dominated Sites

Hammond , John C 1 ; Harpold , Adrian A 2 ; Kampf , Stephanie K 3 1 Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ State University 2 University of Nevada Reno 3 Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ State University Snowmelt is the dominant source of streamflow generation and groundwater recharge in many high elevation and high latitude locations, yet...


Foster , Allan W. 1 ; Randell , Jackie 2 ; Schade , Declan 3 ; Singha , Kamini 4 1 Hydrologic Science and Engineering, Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ School of Mines 2 Hydrologic Science and Engineering, Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ School of Mines 3 Geology and Geological Engineering, Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ School of Mines 4 Geology and...

Temperature Induced Changes In Snowpack Stratigraphy At Niwot Ridge, CO

Burton , Jonathan 1 ; Knopp , Kevin 2 ; Koester , Tai 3 ; Oliver , Micheli 4 ; Van Saghi , Justin 5 ; Wiederaenders , Luke 6 1 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Denver 2 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder 3 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder 4 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder...

New Approaches In Soil Organic Matter Fluorescence; A Solid Phase Fluorescence Approach

Bowman , Maggie M 1 ; SanClements , Michael 2 ; McKnight , Diane 3 1 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder 2 NEON 3 University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder Fluorescence spectroscopy is a well-established technique to investigate the composition of organic matter in aquatic systems and is increasingly applied to soil organic...

Precipitation Thresholds For Initiating Event Water Dominated Storm Runoff Vary Across Small Headwater Catchments Of Contrasting Land Covers In Central Panama

Birch , Andrew L 1 ; Stallard , Robert F 2 ; Barnard , Holly R 3 1 Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, Department of Geography University of Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder 2 United States Geologic Survey, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 3 Institute of Arctic...
