Published: Nov. 27, 2012
Entrepreneurship Wednesdays wrapped up for the semester!
Entrepreneurship Wednesdays are concluded for the semester, but be sure to be on the lookout for the many terrific guests and topics we’ll be sharing in the New Year!
Entrepreneurship Courses for the Spring:
You need electives, right? So why not take some electives that will advance your professional goals!
MUSC 4988 / 5988 The Entrepreneurial Artist
Bring your ideas to life! Students will learn the core principles of entrepreneurship – such as idea formation, venture models, opportunity assessment, market analysis, and strategies for launching a venture – and apply them to their own entrepreneurial ideas. Lectures, projects, entrepreneur interviews, and case studies will culminate in a feasibility study for an original entrepreneurial concept. Students from all arts disciplines are welcome in this dynamic and interactive course (so tell your friends)!Now cross-listed for undergraduateandgraduate students.
MUSC 4958 Community Performances
Dig into the real-world nuts and bolts ofplanning and presenting concerts of your music. Learn to program music for all types of audiences and how to handle the logistics of creating a successful concert. Gain confidence speaking about your music. Discuss the role of concerts in the 21st century, and examine new ways of presenting concerts. Course includes classroom theory and practical application, working collaboratively to put on the “Spring Mix” Faculty Tuesday concert, andplanning and presentation of your own concertat a local, non-campus venue.

ARTICLES OF THE WEEK:The debate over “new models”

Lots of folks are talking about the need for “new models” for arts organizations. What does that mean??

Michael Kaiser, President of the Kennedy Center, has some strong opinions on this(these are short):

Adam Hutler, Founder of Fractured Atlas, responds(and I find it interesting that he uses the buggy analogy, the same analogy I’ve used countless times myself!)


The 19th century railroad barons famously failed to thrive in the 20th century because they thought they were in the railroad business and didn’t realize they were actually in the transportation business. They were so focused on the product they had to sell that they forgot that their real purpose was to fulfill a customer need. In this case, though, the “art experience” is the customer’s need, while the arts organization has become the product we’re selling.

The non-profit arts organization is just a delivery system….. ­Adam Hutler, in the above-linked article

I read those words in Hutler’s post and felt like someone had crawled inside my head and lifted those words directly from my brain. He puts his fingerright onthe problem with all this debate about models:the models are just delivery systems, they are not the product itself.Take the symphony orchestra: the model is complex, expensive, and more or less ubiquitous. So when attendance or donations drop folks despair that the music orchestras play is no longer valued by the marketplace, when there’s pretty good evidence to show that the product – the music itself – is just as viable as ever. What’s becoming progressively less viable, however, is thedelivery system.Once again this brings us to entrepreneurship, because the entrepreneurial process is one by which careful distinction is made between the product and how it’s delivered. This is especially important in the arts, where the delivery mechanisms – the concert in a traditional concert hall, the recording – are so engrained in our culture that we don’t even stop to consider whether there are other ways to reach our audiences, ways that will reach them more successfully and engender sustained support and engagement. Remember: entrepreneurship is about problem-solving. The problem in this case is how to create a new delivery system that will resonate with today’s audiences. What better entrepreneurial challenge could one come up with? The answer to that challenge will be creative, outside the box, and require resourcefulness and hard work to realize. But the big problems also have the biggest pay-offs: that’s something entrepreneurs have always known. Care to take up the challenge?

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And without further adieu…

The Video of the Week!

Keep those videos coming…

Another talented animal…


Once again we’ll put our discussion of “commoditization vs. value” on hold while we take some time to answer a few questions regarding theNew Venture Challenge:what is it and how does it work and why should you care about it?

What is the New Venture Challenge (NVC)? The NVC is the campus-wide venture plan competition. Teams of students from disciplines across campus compete amongst themselves in “tracks” (Music, Clean Tech, I.T., and Social Impact) and then the winners of each track compete in a Finals competition for the grand prize. Music Track winners receive a$3,000 prize; the Grand Prize winner receives up to$10,000 more in prizesand other perks.

What is a Venture Plan? A venture plan (also commonly called a “business plan”) is an outline of any sort of operation: a for-profit business, all manner of non-profit organizations, an ensemble, a music festival…anything can be a venture. The plan describes the venture (what it does, who it’s for, how it operates) and outlines a plan for launching and sustaining it.

Do I have to have a plan already in order to participate?NO.In fact, that’s the whole point of the NVC: to guide you through the process of developing your idea and creating a plan to make it happen. So at this stage, a mere notion of something you’ve been thinking of doing is enough!

That sounds intimidating. What sorts of help will I have? That’s the other point of the NVC: it’s not just the competition (which doesn’t happen until next Spring). It’s workshops, mentoring, lectures, and practice sessions, all designed to help you develop your ideas, polish your plan, and present it convincingly. You’ll have lots of help & resources to do this – including other students, if you decide to form a team.

I dunno…I’m still not sure…You don’t have to commit to participate in the competition until January.Then come visit Prof. Nytch and let’s talk about it!

The Entrepreneurship Center for Music •Jeffrey Nytch, DMA, Director•Office Hours: T/Th: 9-11 a.m. W: 2-4 p.m.– or by appointment

Entrepreneurship Wednesdays: 5-6:30 p.m., C-113 • Follow us on


The Opportunity UPBEAT! is your weekly listing of job postings and other professional opportunities that come the way of the ECM. Check this space out for jobs, volunteer opportunities, internships, grants, festival auditions, and more!

LANDAU MUSICis now hiringmusicians to perform on cruise ships. Destinations include: Europe, Australia, Caribbean, Hawaii, etc. Free Room/Food/Travel. Production shows (Broadway, Pop Review), Headliner shows ,Top 40 sets , Jazz Combo sets, Big Band sets, and more. Our auditions are done online and we are seekingexperienced musicians who are are: 1) Solid readers, 2) Proficient in all styles, and 3) Have a great attitude.Positions are currently available forthe following instruments: Keys, Drums, Bass, Guitar, Trumpet, and Sax. For more information, contact Steve Such, Music Manager:steve@landaumusic.com858.755.3320,

THE PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL is now accepting applications for summer study with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra. For more information, visit their website:

THE BANFF CENTER is accepting applications for their summer music program. Deadlines in January. Follow this link:

THE SOUNDSCAPE FESTIVAL is accepting applications for its summer study and professional development seminar, June 30-July 13 in Maccagno, Italy. For more:

ATLANTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMis now accepting applications.Submission forms can be completed directly online at the official Atlantic Music Festival website:AMF Fellowship provides complete financial coverage of tuition, housing, and meals during the four weeks of residency.

The early submission deadline to submit for the U.S. and International applicants is December 1, 2012.Information is also available through the Atlantic Music Festival by email, or by regular mail to Atlantic Music Festival, 228 Park Ave S #31975, New York, NY 10003.

For more information, please visit us online at

THE COLORADO STATE MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION is currently seeking a Fund development intern to help develop a tuition assistance scholarship fund for pre-college music study. The goal of the fund, once established, is to partially pay music tuition costs for promising young students who cannot afford music lessons. For a full description of this opportunity, stop by the ECM bulletin board and get in touch with Professor Cremaschi.

INTERNSHIPS AVAILרLE!The ECM offers a broad range of internship opportunities for students, ranging from positions with non-profit arts groups to for-profit businesses. Internships can be for academic credit or not, and can often be customized to suit your schedule and interests. If you’re interested, stop by the ECM office and we’ll talk about the options!