Vail Resorts Waste Analysis and Diversion Potential for Keystone and Beaver Creek Resorts

Members: Clayton Tatum, Jennie Levine, Jessica Szyska, Sean Fox, Bailey Kennemer
In 2017, Vail Resorts made a pledge called Commitment to Zero. This bold sustainability pledge is a goal to achieve a zero net operating footprint by 2030, including zero net emissions, zero waste to landfill, and zero net operating impact on forests and habitat. Vail Resorts is committed to reducing landfill-bound trash to zero. The proposed Capstone Project, in collaboration with Vail Resorts, seeks to understand all aspects of waste management at Keystone and Beaver Creek Resorts and devise feasible solutions that will help Vail Resorts in its work towards its zero waste to landfill goal. Waste audit results will allow the Capstone team to identify opportunities for improvement, and create a template for future diversion at other locations.