Policy Analysis Big & Small: Analysis of Small v. Regional Governments

Member: Craig Williams II
The City of Longmont adopted a comprehensive Sustainability Plan in 2016, which was amended in 2018. The Plan maps the City’s progress towards sustainability over the next ten years in a number of focal areas, including air quality, infrastructure, community resilience, economic vitality, energy, food, natural environment, transportation, waste, and water. The City Council has requested interim reporting on progress made thus far towards the objectives outlined in the Sustainability Plan. This Capstone project will report on progress made towards these objectives, as well as recommendations for measures the City can adopt to facilitate achievement of unmet goals thus far. Using the City’s unique Indicators & Metrics tool, as well as data compiled from community organizations, a comprehensive report and presentation will be produced for use and dissemination as determined by the City Council and Longmont's Sustainability Program.