Fresca Foods Environmental Certification and Supply Chain Audit Plan

Members: Arleth O’Shee, Michael Kuperman, Tara Copas
The purpose of this project is to improve Fresca Foods’ sustainability practices. Fresca is currently on the right track with several sustainable business practices but feel a supply chain audit that sets the foundation for environmental certification will better help gain an understanding of key areas of interest. The MENV team will be helping Fresca establish baseline metrics and better documentation practices to more efficiently track the sustainability practices currently used, as well as identify areas of interest for improvement, all with the hopes of qualifying for various industry certifications. Throughout the project the team will be conducting several metric and impact analyses including: employee interviews, market research, data analyses, supply chain audits, and much more. The final deliverables will be a presentation of our project findings, central document repository, as well as a detailed road map to help Fresca become B Corp certified.