Emerging Business and Technology Impact Analysis

Members: Matthew Bone, Luke Beckett, Meagan Mendez, Max Moore, Hossein Haddadi
Electric utilities are under increasing pressure to reduce GHG emissions and meet aggressive renewable and energy efficiency targets. However, the landscape of energy is changing at a remarkable rate: disruptive technologies, distributed power systems, and shifting consumer demands all represent significant challenges to the vertically-integrated, asset-heavy infrastructure of modern utilities. For power providers to innovate through industry barriers and adapt to a rapidly evolving power market, they must understand the emerging technological trends that could dramatically alter the energy landscape. E Source is committed to helping their utility clients solve these challenges.
E Source launched a partnership with EnerTech Capital earlier this year called the Utility Innovation Partners Program. EnerTech Capital is a private equity firm which targets energy investment opportunities that could offer significant revenue growth in the near term. This partnership merges the diverse industry perspectives of utilities and investors - driving innovation and strategic development within electric markets. The Emerging Business and Technology Impact Analysis project is in support of this partnership: the MENV team will conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify companies with highly disruptive and/or valuable potential for utilities and glean in-depth market insight that could be utilized for critical business decisions.