Developing a Resiliency Framework for Jefferson County Open Space

Members: Victoria Arling, Emily Gear, Madeleine Green, Kate Oetheimer, Katrina Pickering, Christine Zenel
The project goal is to create a resiliency plan for Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) that considers ecological, social, and built infrastructure elements of the park system as well as the interconnectedness between them. This project will entail a literature review and benchmarking exercise to grasp how similar land management agencies and related organizations have conducted resiliency planning. Through staff/stakeholder engagement and field visits, current and future stressors with the potential to negatively impact the JCOS park system will be identified, and specific park elements will be prioritized within a resiliency planning framework. Based on these findings, strategic operational and planning recommendations for increasing the resilience of the ecological, social, and built infrastructure elements of the park system will be developed and illustrated in a standalone resiliency plan. This plan will inform the JCOS 2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint, positioning JCOS’ land management strategies to better handle future stressors and changing conditions. Furthermore, the plan will allow JCOS to better serve their constituents and visitors according to their mission of preserving open space and parkland, protecting park and natural resources, and providing healthy, nature-based experience.