Sustainability Reporting at Denver International Airport

Group Members: Matt Waina, Kayla Hubbell, Jessica Tung, Theresa Blackwell
Sustainability reporting is driven by expectations of stakeholders who wish to understand the role large organizations have on issues such as environmental impact and social equity. 82% of US companies participate in annual sustainability reporting due to stakeholder expectations around transparency. Less than 1% of airports of over 5000 in the United States currently participate in sustainability reporting. A comprehensive report can meet the needs of stakeholders, the aviation industry, and the environment as a whole. Denver International Airport (DEN) is the largest airport in the United States by landmass. DEN has made public commitments to sustainability, and this project assists DEN to develop the airport’s first comprehensive, public-facing sustainability report. Deliverables to present to DEN will consist of a business case for sustainability reporting, a materiality assessment, sustainability report outline, sustainable development goals mapping, and report action plan. Beginning a sustainability report with these five deliverables will provide the necessary foundation for DEN to complete a comprehensive report in the future. The methods for this project will consist of document collection, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement resulting in a variety of written deliverables. The materiality assessment with integration from previous environmental studies from DEN, as well as sustainable reports from other airports in the airline industry will shape the team's GRI assessment. These materials will provide insight into completing the report in the most effective and sustainable way possible.