Developing a Local Government Energy Reduction Roadmap

Group Members: Lucy Ehrenclou, Caroline Hamlin, Janelle Gibbons, Hannah Miller
The City and County of Broomfield set out to address climate change by reducing its emissions through Resolution No. 2020-169, which set a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goal of 100% by 2050. In order to achieve this target, they are in the process of creating a GHG Reduction Plan that will outline different policies and programs to be implemented within the community over the coming decades. The MENV capstone team is partnering with Broomfield to address four of the sections of the project covered in this document: energy efficiency, renewable energy, multimodality and electric vehicles. At the end of this project, they will have crafted a formal GHG reduction plan for the City and County of Broomfield. With the help of their capstone partner and the input of other city staff, this roadmap will be composed of several emissions reduction goals, policy recommendations and citizen engagement programs. The reduction roadmap aims to decrease Broomfield’s carbon footprint and increase citizen satisfaction and overall quality of life.