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Mueller Among Most-Cited Evidence Professors for Third Consecutive Year

A recent examining the most-cited law professors in the area of evidence has named , Henry S. Lindsley Professor of Procedure and Advocacy, as the seventh most-cited evidence faculty member at a U.S. law school, the third consecutive year Mueller has been included in the top 10.

The list, based on compiled by University of St. Thomas Professor Gregory Sisk and his colleagues, examined the number of citations of evidence professors between 2013 and 2017. Mueller’s work was cited 195 times in law review articles during that period.

Mueller teaches civil procedure, evidence, and complex civil litigation. His books are widely regarded among the legal community and are used in law schools across the country.

His five-volume treatise, Federal Evidence, is among the most-cited references in judicial opinions. It is cited, on average, twice a week by appellate courts across the nation and has been cited 17 times by the U.S. Supreme Court. Mueller’s coursebook, Evidence Under the Rules, is in its ninth edition and is used in more than 100 law schools. Together with George Washington University Professor Laird Kirkpatrick, Mueller also completed Modern Evidence, a one-volume source for judges and lawyers, and the student hornbook Evidence, which sells thousands of copies annually and shapes how evidence is taught in law schools across the nation.

Christopher Mueller