Hamid photo portrait

Hamid Zoraghein, PhD Candidate

April 28, 2017

Hamid Zoraghein First, a little about myself and how I ended up in Boulder, Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ. I am from Tehran, Iran. Like in the U.S., students typically start college at age 18. However, in my country, a student’s field of study is determined by a nationwide exam. Based on their ranking,...

NEW Geography Department Spring 2017 Newsletter with articles by faculty and students

April 27, 2017

"In these unsettling times, geographical inquiry is more important than ever" - Emily Yeh. The Department has published the Spring 2017 newsletter featuring Project Fire, the research of Hamid Zoraghein, Galen Murton, and Jennifer Fluri’s new book. Check out the Message from the Chair, Spotlight on Faculty, Student News, and...

Seven Geography Graduate Students Receive Beverly Sears Research Grants

March 27, 2017

Robert Andrus, Joel Correia, Angela Cunningham, Zhaxi Duojie, Mehran Ghandehari, Eric Lovell and Kyle Rodman have each received a Beverly Sears Research Grant. These grants provide funds to assist the student with their PhD research.

Joel Correia Receives Graduate School International Travel Award

March 27, 2017

Joel Correia has been selected to receive a Graduate School International Travel Award. This award assists students with travel costs to an international conference to present their research.

Eric Lovell Receives 2017-2018 Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship

March 27, 2017

Eric Lovell has been selected to receive a 2017-2018 Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship. This fellowship provides one semester of full support during the 2017-18 academic year.

Joel Correia Receives a 2017 Summer Graduate School Fellowship

March 27, 2017

This fellowship is used to support research work during Summer 2017.

Three Geography Graduate Students receive Spring 2017 Department Teaching Awards

March 27, 2017

The Department of Geography Annual Awards for Excellence in Graduate Teaching have been awarded to Joel Correia (GPTI award), Robert Andrus (TA award), and Adam Mahood (Mentoring Award).

IJGIS Paper Award at AAG

March 1, 2017

Professor Seth Spielman's paper was named a top 5 most read paper in the International Journal of Geographic Information Science (IJGIS) in 2016. Message to Seth from IJGIS: "Congratulations! Your IJGIS paper is one of the top 5 most read papers in IJGIS Volume 30 published in 2016. We, the...

Jennifer Balch Paper Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

March 1, 2017

Jennifer Balch's paper titled Human-started Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ expand the fire niche across the United States was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Jennifer and her team have been getting the attention of the press with articles from the Associated Press , Washington Post, Pacific Standard , NPR,...

Congratulations Grads! See the Commencement photos at this link and on Facebook!

Jan. 6, 2017

See more photos at Fall 2016 Geography Commencement Photos
