NASA ISS photo of Sunset over the Gulf of Mexico. Sun in view and limb of Earth. Image Credit NASA/Terry Virts

Earth at Perihelion

Jan. 4, 2023

Our lovely big, blue marble is at its closest point to the Sun this year…a mere 91 million miles away. Happy Perihelion Earthlings! Photo credit: NASA/Terry Virts

Graphic from Stellarium showing the southwestern horizon with trees and the crescent Moon with Mercury to the upper right and Venus lower right

Celestial Gifts

Dec. 24, 2022

Look to the southwest shortly after sunset for some shimmering celestial gifts. The thin crescent Moon is nestled in with brilliant Venus and glittering Mercury. Binoculars will make the sight an extra delight! Graphic credit: Stellarium

Two graphics from Stellarium showing the summer solstice on the top where the sun is highest in the south and the winter solstice on the bottom where the sun is low on the southern horizon

Winter Solstice

Dec. 21, 2022

Welcome to the longest night of the year - the Winter Solstice! Winter officially begins for the Northern Hemisphere at 2:48 MST. The axial tilt of our Earth causes the Sun to be at its farthest south (lowest) place in the sky. Not to worry though, tomorrow the days will...

Graphic from Sky Safari showing the northeastern horizon with trees and the radiant of the geminid meteor shower against the pretty star filled sky

Geminid Meteor shower

Dec. 13, 2022

Despite the chill in the air, December provides one of the best meteor showers of the year — the Geminids! This meteor shower is particularly interesting because the source of the shower actually comes from an asteroid (3200 Phaethon), instead of a comet. The shower will be fairly active in...

Graphic from Sky Safari showing Mars being occulted by the Moon, craters in view against the blackness of space

Moon occults Mars

Dec. 7, 2022

Astronomy alert! Mars is at opposition tonight AND the Full Moon occults it! Have your telescope ready to start observing at 7pm. Watch as Mars and the Moon get progressively closer. Mars will slip behind the lunar limb at approximately 7:44 MST. Tune in 64 minutes later to watch Mars...

Graphic from Sky Safari app showing the horizon with the Moon in between the Pleiades and the Hyades, Mars is in view too

Moon & Two Clusters

Dec. 6, 2022

Let the almost full Moon be your guide this evening to the two prettiest clusters of the season — the large and dispersed Hyades is below the Moon and the sparkly Pleiades is above. Graphic credit: SkySafari app

Graphic from Stellarium showing the Moon and Jupiter very close together in the souther sky

Moon and Jupiter

Dec. 1, 2022

The Moon is getting cozy with Jupiter tonight! It’ll be a gorgeous sight with binoculars. Plan the rest of the month's observing fun with Sky & Telescope: The Essential Guide to Astronomy . Graphic credit: Stellarium

Graphic from Sky Safari app showing the Moon below the planet Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune are also visible in this park setting from Earth's vantage point

Moon and Saturn

Nov. 28, 2022

The beautiful waxing crescent Moon is just below Saturn this evening. Catch the celestial magic before the two sink below the southwestern horizon. Graphic credit: SkySafari app

Photo of the Pleiades cluster by ESA and NASA

Winter Bling

Nov. 22, 2022

Looking for some winter bling? The Pleiades cluster is high in the east tonight. It’s sparkly and about as big as the full Moon. If you stretch out your arm, you’ll notice the cluster is about the size of your finger tip. Photo Credit: ESA/ESO/NASA - Davide De Martin

Graphic from Sky Safari showing the Leonid meteor shower radiant above a park setting

Leonid Meteor Shower

Nov. 17, 2022

We’ll be flying through the debris trail of a comet tonight, 55P/Tempel-Tuttle to be exact. Start watching after midnight for fast-moving Leonids. Find a dark sky and wide open area where you can take in as much as the sky as possible since this shower is known for lots of...
