Youjian (Eugene) Liu鈥檚 Publication List
Updated on 2/14/2022
Journal听笔补辫别谤蝉, Conference Papers, Patents, Technical Reports
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers (Accepted/Published):
- M. Zhou, Z. Feng, X. Huang and Y. Liu, "Maximum a Posteriori Probability (MAP) Joint Fine Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for MIMO Systems With Channels of Arbitrary Correlation," in听IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 4357-4370, July 14, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSP.2021.3096898. [Online]. Available: .
- W. Yang, T. Huang, J. Zeng, L. Chen, S. Mishra, and Y. Liu, 鈥淯tilizing Players鈥 Playtime Records for Churn Prediction: Mining Playtime Regularity,鈥 IEEE Transactions on Games, early access, Sep. 18th, 2020. [Online]. Available: 听
- M. Zhou, X. Huang, Z. Feng, and Y. Liu, 鈥淐oarse Frequency Offset Estimation in MIMO Systems Using Neural Networks: A Solution with Higher Compatibility,鈥 IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 121565鈥121573, 2019.
- M. Zhou, Z. Feng, Y. Liu, and X. Huang, 鈥淎n Ef铿乧ient Algorithm and Hardware Architecture for Maximum-Likelihood Based Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in MIMO Systems,鈥 IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 50 105鈥50 116, 2018.
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepo, Y. Liu, and T. X. Brown, 鈥淎nalysis of Downlink Connectivity Models in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network via Stochastic Geometry,鈥 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 3895鈥3907, Jun. 2016.听
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepoy, Y. Liu, T. X. Brown, and K. Baker, 鈥淒ownlink performance analysis for a generalized shotgun cellular system,鈥 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 6684鈥6696, Dec 2014. [Online]. Available: , 听
- P. Madhusudhanan, Y. Liu, and T. X. Brown, 鈥淥n primary user coverage probabilities and faulty cognitive radios,鈥 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 6207鈥6218, Nov. 2014. [Online]. Available:
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, and V. K. N. Lau, 鈥淒uality and optimization for multi-hop MIMO amplify-and-forward relay networks with linear constraints,鈥 IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 9, pp.2356-2365, May 2013. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepoy, Y. Liu, T. X. Brown, and K. R. Baker, 鈥淪tochastic ordering based carrier-to-interference ratio analysis for the shotgun cellular systems,鈥 IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 565 鈥568, Dec. 2012. [Online]. Available:
- V. Aggarwal, Y. Liu, and A. Sabharwal, "Sum-capacity of interference channels with a local view: Impact of distributed decisions," IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, Vol.58锛 no. 3, pp. 1630-1659, Mar. 2012. [Online]. Available:
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, "Polite water-filling for weighted sum-rate maximization in B-MAC networks under multiple linear constraints," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 834-847, Feb. 2012. [Online]. Available:
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, "MIMO B-MAC interference network optimization under rate constraints by polite water-filling and duality," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 263 鈥276, Jan. 2011. [Online]. Available:
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, V. K. N. Lau, and B. Rider, "On the information rate of MIMO systems with finite rate channel state feedback using power on/off strategy," IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 5032-5047, Nov. 2009. [Online]. Available: .
- A. Liu, X. Huang, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, "Capacity bounds of MIMO channels with asymmetric channel state information at transmitter," IEEE Communications Lett., vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 564鈥566, Aug. 2009.
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, and B. Rider, "The effect of finite rate feedback on CDMA signature optimization and MIMO beamforming vector selection," IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 3651-3669, Aug. 2009. [Online]. Available: .
- W. Dai, B. Rider, and Y. Liu, "Joint beamforming for multiaccess MIMO systems with finite rate feedback," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2618鈥2628, May 2009. [Online]. Tech. Report Available: .
- Z. Cui, Z. Wang, and Y. Liu, "High-throughput layered LDPC decoding architecture," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 582鈥586, Apr. 2009.
- W. Guo, X. Huang, and Y. Liu, "Dynamic Relay Deployment for Disaster Area Wireless Networks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Wireless Technologies Advances for Emergency and Rural Communications, Wiley InterScience, pp. 1-15, DOI: 10.1002/wcm.679, Sep. 2008. [Online]. Available:
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, B. Rider, and W. Gao, "How many users should be turned on in a multi-antenna broadcast channel?" IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. (JSAC), special issue on Exploiting Limited Feedback in Tomorrow鈥檚 Wireless Communication Networks, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 1526鈥1535, Oct. 2008. [Online]. Available:
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, and B. Rider, "Quantization bounds on Grassmann manifolds and applications to MIMO communications," IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1108鈥1123, March 2008. [Online]. Available:
- V. K. N. Lau, M. Jiang, and Y. Liu, "Cross layer design of uplink multi-antenna wireless systems with outdated CSI," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1250鈥1253, June 2006.
- V. K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T.-A. Chen, "Capacity of Memoryless Channels and Block Fading Channels with Designable Cardinality-Constrained Channel State Feedback," IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2038鈥2049, 2004.
- V. K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T.-A. Chen, "On the design of MIMO block-fading channels with feedback-link capacity constraint," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 62鈥70, Jan. 2004.
- H. El Gamal, A. R. Hammons, Jr., Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz, and O. Y. Takeshita, "On the design of space-time and space-frequency codes for MIMO frequency selective fading channels," IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2277 鈥 2292, Sept. 2003.
- Y. Liu, K. N. Lau, T.-A. Chen, M. H. Meyers, and J.-T. Liu, "Iterative detection for blast systems with an arbitrary number of receive antennas," Bell Labs Technical Journal, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 5鈥25, 2003.
- V. K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, T.-A. Chen, and M. H. Meyers, "Optimal space-time scheduling for block fading channels with partial power feedbacks," Bell Labs Technical Journal, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 27鈥46, 2003.
- K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T.-A. Chen, "The role of transmit diversity on wireless communications-reverse link analysis with partial feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 50, pp. 2082鈥2090, Dec. 2002.
- Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz and O. Y. Takeshita, "A Rank Criterion for QAM Space-Time Codes", IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, vol. 48, pp. 3062鈥3079, Dec. 2002.
- Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz and O. Y. Takeshita, "Full Rate Space-Time Turbo Codes", IEEE Journal on Selected Area of Communications, special issue on "The Turbo Principal: From Theory to Practice", Vol: 19, No. 5, pp. 969 鈥980, May 2001.
- Y. Liu, M. Lee, C. Wang, and C. Xu, "The Hybrid GRE-FDTD Method for Calculating the Electromagnetic Scattering of Cavities", Journal of Microwave, Vol.14, No.1, pp 87-93, 1998.
- M. Lee, Y. Liu, C. Wang, and C. Xu, "Using CAD Technique to Realize the Geometric-Electromagnetic Modeling of the FDTD Calculation of Complex Objects", Acta Electronic Sinica, Vol.27, No.3, pp 131-133, 1999.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers (Accepted/Published):
- Y. Liu, M. K. Varanasi, I. Khalife, and A. Abbasi, 鈥淢IMO/RIS Communication via Beam Networks: Three Case Studies,鈥 in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Denver, USA, Jun. 2024.
- Wanshan Yang, Zhe Feng, Lijun Chen, Weiyu Xu, and Youjian Eugene Liu, 鈥淐hannel Reciprocity in FDD Multiuser MIMO Systems by Super-resolution,鈥 in IEEE International Conference on Communications, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2021.
- W. Yang, T. Huang, J. Zeng, L. Chen, S. Mishra, and Y. E. Liu, 鈥淐orrelation Between Personality and Social Interactions in Online Strategy Games,鈥 in 2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), Aug. 2020, pp. 756鈥759. [Online]. Available:
- Z. Liu, H. Wang, B. Waggoner, Y. Liu, and L. Chen, 鈥淎 Smoothed Analysis of Online Lasso for the Sparse Linear Contextual Bandit Problem,鈥 in Thirty-Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020), Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning, Jul. 2020, pp. 1鈥16. [Online]. Available:
- M. Zhou, Z. Feng, X. Huang, and Y. Liu, 鈥淢AP Joint Frequency and Channel Estimation for MIMO Systems with Spatial Correlation,鈥 in IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Dec. 2019.
- W. Yang, T. Huang, J. Zeng, Y. Tang, L. Chen, S. Mishra, and Y. E. Liu, 鈥淧urchase Prediction in Free Online Games via Survival Analysis,鈥 in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Dec. 2019.
- W. Yang, T. Huang, J. Zeng, G. Yang, J. Cai, L. Chen, S. Mishra, and Y. E. Liu, 鈥淢ining Player In-game Time Spending Regularity for Churn Prediction in Free Online Games,鈥 in 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), Aug. 2019.
- W. Yang, G. Yang, T. Huang, L. Chen, and Y. Liu, 鈥淲hales, Dolphins, or Minnows? Towards the Player Clustering in Free Online Games Based on Purchasing Behavior via Data Mining Technique,鈥 in IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Dec. 2018, pp. 4101鈥4108.
- W. Yang, L. Chen, and Y. Liu, 鈥淭hree-dimensional Super-resolution with Nonuniform Cutoff Frequencies,鈥 in 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Oct. 2018.
- W. Yang, L. Chen, and Y. Liu, 鈥淪uper-Resolution for Achieving Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) Channel Reciprocity,鈥 in IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Jun. 2018.
- Z. Feng, X. Li, V. Palacios, P. Mathys, Y. Liu, M. Zhau, X. Huang, and X. Cai, 鈥淪oftware De铿乶ed Radio Implementation of the Dual Link Algorithm in TDD Mode using USRP E310,鈥 Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, vol. 1, no. 1, 2016. [Online]. Available:
- X. Li, Y. E. Liu, and X. Huang, 鈥淭DD Channel Calibration for MIMO Interference Networks,鈥 in IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Sep. 2015, pp. 1鈥2.听DOI:听
- X. Li, S. You, L. Chen, A. Liu, and Y. E. Liu, 鈥淎 new algorithm for the weighted sum rate maximization in MIMO interference networks,鈥 in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 2015.
- S. You, L. Chen, and Y. Liu, 鈥淐onvex-concave procedure for weighted sum rate maximization in a MIMO interference network,鈥 in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 2014.
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. Restrepo, Y. Liu, and T. Brown, 鈥淒ownlink analysis for a heterogeneous cellular network,鈥 in 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2014, pp. 717鈥724. [Online]. Available: 听听
- P. Madhusudhanan, X. Li, Y. Liu, and T. Brown, 鈥淪tochastic geometric modeling and interference analysis for massive mimo systems,鈥 in 11th International Symposium on Modeling Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (WiOpt), May 2013, pp. 15鈥22. 听[Online]. 听Available:
- H. Li and Y. Liu, 鈥淥n Gaussian multiple access channel with signal dependent noise,鈥 in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2012, pp. 4326鈥4331. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, T. X. Brown, and Y. Liu, 鈥淥FDMA cellular network with fractional frequency reuse under maximum SIR connectivity,鈥 in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2012, 2012, pp. 642鈥647. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepo, Y. Liu, and T. X. Brown, 鈥淒ownlink coverage analysis in a heterogeneous cellular network,鈥 in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2012 IEEE, Dec. 2012, 2012, pp. 4170鈥4175. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepo, Y. Liu, and T. X. Brown, 鈥淗eterogeneous cellular network performance analysis under open and closed access,鈥 in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2012, pp. 563鈥568. [Online]. Available:
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, V. Lau, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, 鈥淒istributed polite water-filling for optimization of mimo b-mac interference networks,鈥 in 18th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Oct. 2012, pp. 384 鈥389. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, T. X. Brown, and Y. Liu, 鈥淚nterference characteristics and success probability at the primary user in a cognitive radio network,鈥 in 10th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2012, May 2012, pp. 349 鈥354. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepo, Y. E. Liu, and T. X. B. K. R. Baker, 鈥淢ulti-tier network performance analysis using a shotgun cellular system,鈥 in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Dec. 2011. [Online]. Available:
- P. Madhusudhanan, T. X. Brown, and Y. E. Liu, 鈥淥n the interference due to cooperative cognitive radios in the presence of multiple low-power primary users,鈥 in Proc. Allerton Conf. on Commun., Control, and Computing, Sep. 2011.
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, V. K. N. Lau, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, 鈥淧olite water-filling for weighted sum-rate maximization in MIMO B-MAC networks under multiple linear constraints,鈥 in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Info. Theory (ISIT), July 2011.
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, 鈥淧olite water-filling for the boundary of the capacity/achievable regions of MIMO MAC/BC/interference networks,鈥 in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Info. Theory (ISIT), July 2011, pp. 2015 鈥2019.
- A. Liu, Y. E. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, "Iterative polite water-filling for weighted sum-rate maximization in itree networks," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Dec. 2010, pp. 1鈥5.
- X. Li and Y. E. Liu, "A 3-D channel model for distributed MIMO satellite systems," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Dec. 2010, pp. 1鈥5.
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepoy, Y. Liu, T. X. Brown, and K. Baker, "Modeling of interference from cooperative cognitive radios for low power primary users," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Dec. 2010, pp. 1鈥6.
- V. Aggarwal, S. Avestimehr, Y. Liu, and A. Sabharwal, "Feedback via message passing in interference channels," in Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Nov. 2009, pp. 1-5.
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, "On the Rate Duality of MIMO Interference Channel and its Application to Sum Rate Maximization," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2009, pp. 1鈥6.
- P. Madhusudhanan, J. G. Restrepoy, Y. Liu, and T. X. Brown, "Carrier to interference ratio analysis for the shotgun cellular system," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2009, pp. 1鈥6.
- A. Liu, A. Sabharwal, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, "Distributed MIMO network optimization based on duality and local message passing," in Proc. Allerton Conf. on Commun., Control, and Computing, Sep. 2009, pp. 1鈥8.
- J. Xiao, V. Aggarwal, A. Sabharwal, and Y. Liu, "Interference networks with local view: A distributed optimization approach," in Proc. Allerton Conf. on Commun., Control, and Computing, Sep. 2009, pp. 1鈥8.
- V. Aggarwal, Y. Liu, and A. Sabharwal, "'Message Passing in Distributed Wireless Networks," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Info. Theory (ISIT), June 2009, pp. 1090-1094.
- A. Liu, H. Xiang, W. Luo, L. Ping, and Y. Liu, "Power minimization of multiaccess MIMO systems with rate constraint and finite-rate feedback," in IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), no. Mar., Baltimore, MD, USA, March 2009, pp. 488鈥493.
- J. Xiao, Y. Liu, W. Gao, and A. Liu, "Resource allocation for MIMO orthogonal relay channels with finite-rate feedback," in IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, USA, March 2009, pp. 512鈥517.
- Y. Liu, M. K. Varanasi, and X. Huang, "Power scheduling for MIMO relay channels employing rateless codes," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Commun. (ICC), May 2008, pp.1-5.
- Y. Liu, "Capacity theorems for channels with designable feedback," in Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, inivited paper, California, USA, November 2007, pp. 1936-1940.
- W. Dai, B. Rider, and Y. Liu, "Volume growth and general rate quantization on Grassmann manifolds," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference(Globecom), Washington D.C., USA, Nov. 2007, pp. 1441鈥1445.
- W. Dai, B. Rider, and Y. Liu, "Unequal dimensional small balls and quantization on Grassmann manifolds," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Info. Theory (ISIT), Nice, France, June 2007, pp. 1806鈥1810.
- Y. Liu, B. Xu, and M. Varanasi, "On discrete memoryless relay channels with designable transmitter side information," in IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 14-16, 2007, pp. 414鈥418.
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, and B. Rider, "How Many Users Should be Turned On in a Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel?" in IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 14-16, 2007, pp. 806鈥811.
- Y. Liu, "A low complexity protocol for relay channels employing rateless codes and acknowledgement," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Info. Theory (ISIT), Seattle, Washington, USA, July 2006, pp. 1244鈥1248.
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, and B. Rider, "Performance analysis of CDMA signature optimization with finite rate feedback," in IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, Mar. 2006, pp. 426鈥431.
- W. Dai, Y. Liu, and B. Rider, "Quantization bounds on Grassmann manifolds and the application to MIMO systems," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Nov. 2005.
- A. K. Goparaju, S. Wei, and Y. Liu, "On superposition coding based cooperative diversity schemes," in Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, USA, 5 pages, Oct. 2005.
- W. Dai, B. Rider, and Y. Liu, "Multi-access MIMO systems with finite rate channel state feedback," in Proc. Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, 10 pages, Sep., 2005.
- Youjian Liu, "A Lossless Layered Coding Strategy for MIMO Systems", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 05), pp. 1947-1951, Sep. 2005.
- Wei Dai, Youjian Liu, Vincent K.N. Lau, and Brian Rider, "On the Information Rate of MIMO Systems with Finite Rate Channel State Feedback and Power On/Off Strategy", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 05), pp. 1549-1553, Sep. 2005.
- Y. Liu, J. Hou, and V. K. N. Lau, "Complexity bounds of LDPC codes for parallel channels," in Proc. 42th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, pp. 1705-1713, October 2004.
- V. K. N. Lau and Y. Liu, "On the design and tradeoff of wireless downlink space time scheduler on network capacity and coverage," in Proc. 42th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, pp. 150-159, October 2004.
- V. Nagarajan, Y. Liu, and J. Hou, "The effect of channel side information at transmitter on coding complexity," in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 04), Chicago, IL, USA, p. 148, June 2004.
- V. Nagarajan, Y. Liu, and J. Hou, "Joint design of LDPC codes for parallel channels and its applications," in Proc. 41th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, pp. 1704-1705, October 2003.
- K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T. A. Chen, "Optimal partial feedback design for MIMO block fading channels with causal noiseless feedback," in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 鈥03), vol. 4, pp. 2663鈥2667, 2003.
- Y. Liu, K. N. Lau, and T.-A. Chen, "An iterative SISO strategy for MIMO broadcast channels," in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), p. 297, Yokohama, Japan, June 2003.
- K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T.-A. Chen, "Optimal partial feedback design for MIMO block fading channels with causal noiseless feedback," in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), p. 65, Yokohama, Japan, June 2003.
- K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T. A. Chen, "Optimal multi-user space time scheduling for wireless communications," in Proc. IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2002-Fall), vol. 4, pp. 1939鈥1942, 2002.
- K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, and T.-A. Chen, "Optimal space-time power control for MIMO multiple access channel with partial feedback," in Proc. 40th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, pp. 147-156, October 2002.
- Y. Liu, K. N. Lau, O. Y. Takeshita, and M. P. Fitz, "Optimal Rate Allocation for Superposition Coding in Quasi-static Fading Channels," In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2002), Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 111, June 2002.
- Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz, and O. Y. Takeshita, "Outage Probability and Space-Time Code Design Criteria for Frequency Selective Fading Channels with Fractional Delay," in Proc. International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2001), Washington D.C., USA, p. 80, June 2001.
- Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz, and O. Y. Takeshita, "Space-Time Codes Performance Criteria and Design for Frequency Selective Fading Channels", in Proc. International Conference on Communications (ICC 2001), Helsinki, Finland, pp. 2800-2804, June 2001.
- Y. Liu and M. P. Fitz, "Space-Time Coding for Frequency Selective Fading Channel", in Proc. 38th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, pp. 995-996, September 2000.
- Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz, and O. Y. Takeshita, "A Rank Criterion for QAM Space-Time Codes", in Proc. International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2000), Sorrento Italy, p. 314, June 2000.
- (Session Chair) Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz, and O. Y. Takeshita, "QPSK Space-Time Turbo Codes", in Proc. International Conference on Communications (ICC 2000), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, pp. 292-296, June 2000.
- (Invited Paper)Y. Liu, M. P. Fitz, Oscar Y. Takeshita, and Zhongxian Han "A Rank Criterion for QAM Space-Time Codes with Application to Turbo Coding", in Proc. of First IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 193-197, March 2000.
- Y. Liu and M. P. Fitz, "Space-Time Turbo Codes", in Proc. 37th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, pp. 897-898, September 1999.
- Y. Liu, M. Li, C. Wang, "A Hybrid Method for the Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering of Cavity with Complex Termination," in Proc. Workshop on RCS of Complex Target, Hubei China, Nov. 1995.
- Y. Liu and B. Wang, "Research on Characteristics of Electromagnetic Scattering of Complex Aircraft," in Proc. Annual Radar Conference, 1993.
* Starting page number is marked as 1 when page numbers are not available.
- L. Chen, X. Li, and Y. Liu, 鈥淢aximizing efficiency of multi-user communications networks,鈥 U.S. Patent US9538483 B2, Jan., 2017, international Classification H04B17/391, H04W52/34, H04W52/24; Cooperative Classification H04B17/391, H04W52/243, H04W52/346. [Online]. Available:
- K. N. Lau, Y. Liu, M. H. Meyers, and S. W. Sanders, 鈥淢ethods of controlling data rate in wireless communications systems,鈥 U.S. Patent US7583637 B2, Sep., 2009, U.S. Classification 370/332, 455/69, 455/522; International Classification H04B1/707, H04W4/00, H04L12/56, H04L1/00; Cooperative Classification H04L47/29, H04L1/0002, H04W28/22, H04L47/10, H04L47/14, H04B2201/70703, H04W24/00, H04L1/0007. [Online]. Available:
- J.-T. Liu, Y. Liu, and A. Rudrapatna, 鈥淢ethod of determining transmit power for transmit eigenbeams in a multiple-input multiple-output communications system,鈥 U.S. Patent US7242727 B2, Jul., 2007, u.S. Classification 375/295, 455/522; International Classification H04B7/00, H04B7/005, H04B7/04, H04L27/04; Cooperative Classification H04B7/0417, H04W52/34, H04B7/0408, H04W52/42, H04W52/26, H04B7/0443, H04B7/0632; European Classification H04B7/04B, H04B7/04M1, H04W52/42, H04B7/06C1F1Q. [Online]. Available:
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, 鈥淭echnical report: Polite water-filling for weighted sum-rate maximization in MIMO B-MAC networks under multiple linear constraints,鈥 Peking University and University of 欧美口爆视频 at Boulder Joint Technical Report, Dec 2010.
- A. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Xiang, and W. Luo, 鈥淭echnical report: MIMO B-MAC interference network optimization under rate constraints by polite water-filling and duality,鈥 Peking University and University of 欧美口爆视频 at Boulder Joint Technical Report, Jun 2010. [Online]. Available:
- W. Dai, B. Rider, and Y. Liu, "Joint beamforming for multiaccess MIMO systems with finite rate feedback," Technical Report, University of 欧美口爆视频 at Boulder, 听pp. 1鈥22, 听April 16th, 2008. [Online]. Available:
- Y. Liu, T. Chen, M. H. Meyers, J. Liu, "Detection for BLAST Systems with Arbitrary Number of Receive Antennas", Internal Technical Memorandum, Lucent Technologies, Nov. 2001.
- T. Chen, Y. Liu, V. Lau, M. H. Meyers, "A Mobile Speed Estimation Method for Power Control Systems over Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels", Internal Technical Memorandum, Lucent Technologies, Nov. 2001.
- M. Lu, G. Li, Y. Liu, M. H. Meyers, "Data Rate Assignment for CDMA 2000 High Rate Packet Data System", Internal Technical Memorandum, Lucent Technologies, Sep. 2001.
Other Presentations:
- Y. Liu, "Wireless communications with limited feedback," in 7 Presentations, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Beihang University, Peking University, Mar. 2008.
- Y. Liu, "Capacity and performance analysis for communications with finite rate feedback," in Presentation, 欧美口爆视频 State University, Sep. 2007.
- Y. Liu, "Wireless Communications with Finite-Rate Feedback," in Presentation, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 2006.
- Y. Liu, "State-of-the-art and the future research on MIMO technologies," in Presentation, Thomson Electronics, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, May 2005.
- Y. Liu, "The impact of feedback on communication systems: Capacity and complexity," in Presentation, University of Southern California, May 2005.
- Y. Liu, "The impact of feedback on communication systems: Capacity and complexity," in Presentation, University of California at Los Angeles, May 2005.
- Y. Liu, "The impact of feedback on communication systems: Capacity and complexity," in Presentation, Engineering Lecture Series, Webcasted to Qualcomm Inc. worldwide, video stored in Qualcomm Library, San Diego, California, USA, May 2005.
- Y. Liu, "Tutorial and research on MIMO communications," in Presentation, TAIYO YUDEN Co., San Diego, California, USA, May 2005.
- Y. Liu, "The impact of feedback on communication systems: Capacity and complexity," in Presentation, University of California at San Diego, May 2005.
- Y. Liu, "On the design tradeoff in adaptive space-time coding," in IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, invited talk, Mesa, Arizona, April 2003.
- Y. Liu, "An Algebraic Space-Time Coding Theory and Its Applications," Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 2001.
- Y. Liu, "Hybrid Methods to Solve Electromagnetic Scattering Problems of Complex Cavity," M.S. Thesis, Beijing University, 1996.
- Y. Liu, "Analysis of Radio Propagation and Scattering Employing the Conjugate Gradient - Fast Fourier Transformation Algorithm," B.E. Thesis, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1993.