General Literature & Language /english/ en ENGL 3060: Modern & Contemporary Literature for Nonmajors /english/2020/03/13/engl-3060-modern-contemporary-literature-nonmajors ENGL 3060: Modern & Contemporary Literature for Nonmajors Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 03/13/2020 - 17:20 Categories: Courses Tags: A-term ENGL 3060 General Literature & Language Summer 2020


Surveys the major literary trends from 1900 to the present in the Anglo-American tradition of modern, postmodern, and contemporary literature.  It will provide a basic grounding in two important moments in literary history:  modernism and post-modernism. Quite a bit of the focus of the course will be on poetry—we will be looking at modernist poets like Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats and Hilda Dolittle (H.D.) to post-modernist poets (poets coming after modernist poets) like Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Bishop to contemporary poets like Thom Gunn and Seamus Heaney. I will make every effort to make you fall in love with poems as well as equip you with tools to decipher and critically respond to them.

Taught by Ali Hasan ONLINE from May 11 - May 29, 2020.


Section 102 (ONLINE):

For an hour the procession of grotesques passed before the eyes of the old man, and then, although it was a painful thing to do, he crept out of bed and began to write.  Some one of the grotesques had made a deep impression on his mind and he wanted to describe it.” (Sherwood Anderson, “The Book of the Grotesque”)

Many American writers have been moved by the impulse that grips Anderson’s old man.  What is the grotesque and why has it dominated the work of so many twentieth and twenty-first-century writers?  In this course we will try to find out.  Our reading will include fiction and poetry by William Faulkner, Katherine Anne Porter, Jean Toomer, T.S. Eliot, Nathanael West, Flannery O’Connor, Kurt Vonnegut, Grace Paley, and Karen Russell.  Please contact me for further information (Jeremy.Green@ŷڱƵ.EDU).

Taught by Jeremy Green ONLINE during A-term (June 1 - July 2, 2020).

Section 120 (ONLINE):

Whether it’s the war on terrorism, global markets, tourism, or population diversity, we can’t escape the effects of globalization; they are indeed everywhere. This course will trace the rise of globalization as written about by early and late 20th and 21st century writers.  For writers in the so-called third world, globalization often means a very different experience from that represented in the U.S. and European media. This course will first explore how early twentieth-century writer Joseph Conrad saw empire and globalization and then how contemporary writers from the Caribbean, West Africa and South Asia negotiate between the lived effects of globalization and the failed dreams of liberation.  How are they reimagining history so as to create new possibilities and communities for an alternative future? What is our role in the first-world university as readers of these texts? What critical opportunities do they afford us? 

Novels include: Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness, Caryl Phillips Crossing the River, Arundhati Roy The God of Small Things, Jamaica Kincaid A Small Place, Chris Abani GraceLand, and Aravind Adiga White Tiger.   

Taught by Laura Winkiel ONLINE during A-term (June 1 - July 2, 2020).



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Fri, 13 Mar 2020 23:20:37 +0000 Anonymous 2385 at /english
ENGL 3000: Shakespeare for Nonmajors /english/2020/03/13/engl-3000-shakespeare-nonmajors ENGL 3000: Shakespeare for Nonmajors Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 03/13/2020 - 16:55 Categories: Courses Tags: B-term ENGL 3000 General Literature & Language Summer 2020

Tales of love, lust, and betrayal; greed, jealousy, and murder; revenge, mercy, and redemption—welcome to the world of Shakespeare! You’ll discover how Shakespeare’s characters have beguiled audiences for over 400 years. We’ll read two comedies, a history play, a tragedy, and a romance:  A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe Merchant of VeniceRichard IIIHamlet or Othello, and The Tempest.

Assignments include weekly discussion posts and reading quizzes, two Zoom conferences, two papers, and a creative project on Shakespeare’s relevance in the 21st century.  

Taught by Teresa Nugent ONLINE during B-term (July 7 - August 7, 2020).


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Fri, 13 Mar 2020 22:55:34 +0000 Anonymous 2383 at /english
ENGL 1420: Poetry /english/2020/03/13/engl-1420-poetry ENGL 1420: Poetry Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 03/13/2020 - 16:49 Categories: Courses Featured Courses Tags: B-term ENGL 1420 General Literature & Language Summer 2020

Poetry is alive. Poets have written for more than a thousand years and continue to study, write and perform poetry today. Poetry is not meant to wither and die in dusty pages on forgotten shelves. It is meant to be heard, read and voiced—aloud and alive. This course will introduce you to a great variety of poems written and composed in English from the very beginning of the English language until recently, and provide you with tools to help understand them. We will discuss terminology, themes, forms and formal innovation, as well as the many ways that poetry lives in the world now--from sonnets and sestinas to concrete poetry and epic poetry, from slam to Instagram. Representative poets: Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, Phillis Wheatley, Sharon Olds, Lucille Clifton, Jamaal May, Joy Harjo, Natalie Diaz, Gabriel Hirsch, Patricia Smith, Myung Mi Kim, Fatimah Ashgar, Kiki Petrosino, Diana Khoi Nguyen, Rupi Kaur, Mark McMorris, TS Eliot, Gertrude Stein, many others.

Taught ONLINE by Khadijah Queen during B-term (July 7 - August 7, 2020).



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Fri, 13 Mar 2020 22:49:17 +0000 Anonymous 2379 at /english
ENGL 3930: Internship (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-3930-internship-spring-2020 ENGL 3930: Internship (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:48 Categories: Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

Provides academically supervised opportunity for upper-division students to work in public or private organizations on projects related to students' career goals and to relate classroom theory to practice. Department enforced prerequisite: 3.0 GPA and faculty supervision.

Taught by Dr. Rachael Deagman Simonetta.

Repeatable: Repeatable for up to 6.00 total credit hours. 
Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Additional Information: Departmental Category: General Literature and Language



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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:48:20 +0000 Anonymous 2151 at /english
ENGL 3060: Modern and Contemporary Literature for Nonmajors (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-3060-modern-and-contemporary-literature-nonmajors-spring-2020 ENGL 3060: Modern and Contemporary Literature for Nonmajors (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:41 Categories: Courses Featured Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

Close study of significant 20th-century poetry, drama, and prose works. Readings range from 1920s to the present.

Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) only.
Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: General Literature and Language

Section 004:

Writers and artists of the last 100 years questioned everything: What is the self?  What is time?  What is literature?  We’ll explore a wide range of works, including novels, poetry, movies, comics, prints, and 3D books to make sense of two key movements: modernism and postmodernism.  We’ll focus in particular on representations of war and the blurring of boundaries between literature and the visual arts, drawing as much as possible on Norlin Library’s Special Collections and the collections of the ŷڱƵ Art Museum. 

Readings: Virginia Woolf (To The Lighthouse), Winsor McCay (Little Nemo in Slumberland), Charlie Chaplin (Modern Times), and Art Spiegelman (Maus). We’ll also study works by artists Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, René Magritte, Lorna Simpson, Enrique Chagoya, Ed Ruscha, Jenny Holzer, and many others.

Taught by Dr. Catherine Labio.


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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:41:48 +0000 Anonymous 2149 at /english
ENGL 3000: Shakespeare for Nonmajors (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-3000-shakespeare-nonmajors-spring-2020 ENGL 3000: Shakespeare for Nonmajors (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:37 Categories: Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

Introduction to Shakespeare. Introduces students to 6-10 of Shakespeare's major plays. Comedies, histories, and tragedies will be studied. Some non-dramatic poetry may be included. Viewing of Shakespeare in performance is often required.

Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) only. English (ENGL) and Humanities (HUMN) majors are excluded from taking this class.
Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: General Literature and Language

Section 100:

Tales of love, lust, and betrayal; greed, jealousy, and murder; revenge, mercy, and redemption—welcome to the world of Shakespeare! You’ll discover how Shakespeare’s characters beguile our imaginations, 400+ years after they first appeared on stage. We’ll explore a selection of comedies and tragedies, a history, and a romance, including A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Measure for Measure, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Hamlet, Richard III, and The Tempest. We’ll also visit Special Collections in Norlin Library to see rare texts, artifacts, and students’ projects from previous classes. By the end of the semester, you’ll design and present your own creative Shakespeare project.

Reading List: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Measure for Measure, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Hamlet, Richard III, and The Tempest

Taught by Teresa Nugent.


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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:37:46 +0000 Anonymous 2147 at /english
ENGL 1800: American Ethnic Literatures - Hip Hop Cultures (CORE) (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-1800-american-ethnic-literatures-hip-hop-cultures-core-spring-2020 ENGL 1800: American Ethnic Literatures - Hip Hop Cultures (CORE) (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:34 Categories: Courses Featured Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

This course explores the evolution of hip hop from its roots in the South Bronx to its worldwide influence in the present day--from Kendrick Lamar to Cardi B, Drake to Megan Thee Stallion. We’ll use the tools of close reading and literary analysis to study hip hop’s many forms and themes. Our primary focus will be on rap’s lyric craft, but we’ll also consider rap within the broader context of hip hop’s other basic elements—DJ-ing, breaking, and graffiti. Hip hop’s aesthetic culture is a means to confront race, politics, gender, and sexuality. Through a combination of lecture and discussion, we’ll work together to develop a language for talking about the many cultures of hip hop.

Reading List: Soren Baker, The History of Gangster Rap Kathy Iandoli, God Save the Queens: The Essential History of Women in Hip-Hop Ed Piskor, Hip Hop Family Tree Brian Coleman, Check the Technique Hanif Abdurraqib, Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest

Taught by Dr. Adam Bradley.

Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Departmental Category: General Literature and Language



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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:34:18 +0000 Anonymous 2145 at /english
ENGL 1600: Introduction to American Literature (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-1600-introduction-american-literature-spring-2020 ENGL 1600: Introduction to American Literature (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:30 Categories: Courses Featured Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

Introduces students to the American literary tradition through intensive study of centrally significant texts and genres.

Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: General Literature and Language


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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:30:45 +0000 Anonymous 2143 at /english
ENGL 1500: Introduction to British Literature (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-1500-introduction-british-literature-spring-2020 ENGL 1500: Introduction to British Literature (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:28 Categories: Courses Featured Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

Introduces students to the British literary tradition through intensive study of centrally significant texts and genres.

Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: General Literature and Language


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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:28:44 +0000 Anonymous 2141 at /english
ENGL 1420: Poetry (Spring 2020) /english/2019/10/14/engl-1420-poetry-spring-2020 ENGL 1420: Poetry (Spring 2020) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/14/2019 - 12:24 Categories: Courses Featured Courses Tags: General Literature & Language Spring 2020

Introduces students to how to read a poem by examining the great variety of poems written and composed in English from the very beginning of the English language until recently.

Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: General Literature and Language

Section 001:

How do poets write about America and the American experience?  We will answer this question by reading the work of Walt Whitman, America's most influential and beloved poet, and the work of some of the poets he inspired.  When Whitman wrote that he "contained multitudes," he offered an open and experimental attitude that we will trace in the beat poetry of Allen Ginsberg, the nature poetry of Mary Oliver, and the memoir/ autobiographical poetry of Lucille Clifton.   With each of these poets we will explore what poetry captures of the American experience that another kind of writing cannot. 

Taught by Dr. Katie Little.

Section 003:

This class focuses on poetry about artwork. The technical word for this kind of language is “ekphrasis.” We’ll read ekphrastic poetry from the Greeks to the 21st century, with an emphasis on the Romantic period, when the word “illustration” first came to mean “pictures that represent a text.” Expect to look at paintings and sculpture and to spend time close reading and close looking.

Taught by Dr. Thora Brylowe.


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Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:24:13 +0000 Anonymous 2139 at /english