Quantum /engineering/ en ​New technology turns waste heat into electricity, defies physical limit /engineering/new-technology-waste-heat-electricity-defies-physical-limit ​New technology turns waste heat into electricity, defies physical limit Alexander Jame… Tue, 02/18/2025 - 11:46 Categories: Innovation Research Tags: Materials Science Engineering Quantum Sustainability Assistant Professor Longji Cui and his team in the Cui Research Group have developed a new technology to turn thermal radiation into electricity in a way that literally teases the basic law of thermal physics. The group says their research has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing industries by increasing power generation without the need for high temperature heat sources or expensive materials. window.location.href = `/mechanical/new-technology-waste-heat-electricity-defies-physical-limit`;


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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:46:47 +0000 Alexander James Servantez 7784 at /engineering
Tiny compasses could improve navigation, brain imaging and more /engineering/tiny-compasses-improve-navigation-brain-imaging Tiny compasses could improve navigation, brain imaging and more Alexander Jame… Fri, 02/07/2025 - 10:26 Categories: Research Tags: Mechanical Engineering Quantum Associate Research Professor Svenja Knappe is apart of a team of physicists and engineers studying quantum technology. In a novel study, the group has discovered a new way to measure the orientation of magnetic fields using atoms. Their findings could one day lead to the creation of new quantum sensors that can map the activity of the human brain or even help airplanes navigate the globe. window.location.href = `/today/2025/01/30/tiny-compasses-could-improve-navigation-brain-imaging-and-more`;


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Fri, 07 Feb 2025 17:26:46 +0000 Alexander James Servantez 7754 at /engineering
5 ŷڱƵ Boulder startups to watch in 2025 /engineering/2025/02/03/5-cu-boulder-startups-watch-2025 5 ŷڱƵ Boulder startups to watch in 2025 Michelle Wiese Mon, 02/03/2025 - 10:12 Categories: Entrepreneurship Tags: Energy Mechanical Engineering Quantum Sustainability From July 2023 to June 2024, ŷڱƵ Boulder helped to launch 35 new companies based on research at the university. The new businesses are embracing technologies from the worlds of healthcare, agriculture, clean energy and more. Here’s a look at how engineers and scientists, with the help of the university’s commercialization arm Venture Partners, seek to use discoveries from the lab to make a difference in peoples’ lives. window.location.href = `/today/2025/01/29/5-cu-boulder-startups-watch-2025`;


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Mon, 03 Feb 2025 17:12:41 +0000 Michelle Wiese 7745 at /engineering
Quantum engineers ‘squeeze’ laser frequency combs to make more sensitive gas sensors /engineering/2025/01/16/quantum-engineers-squeeze-laser-frequency-combs-make-more-sensitive-gas-sensors Quantum engineers ‘squeeze’ laser frequency combs to make more sensitive gas sensors Michelle Wiese Thu, 01/16/2025 - 13:03 Categories: Science & Technology Tags: Quantum For the first time ever, scientists have used a technique called “quantum squeezing” to improve the gas sensing performance of devices known as optical frequency comb lasers. These ultra-precise sensors are like fingerprint scanners for molecules of gas. Scientists have used them to spot methane leaks in the air above oil and gas operations and signs of COVID-19 infections in breath samples from humans. The work is a collaboration between Scott Diddams at ŷڱƵ Boulder Boulder and Jérôme Genest at Université Laval in Canada. window.location.href = `/today/2025/01/16/quantum-engineers-squeeze-laser-frequency-combs-make-more-sensitive-gas-sensors`;


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Thu, 16 Jan 2025 20:03:07 +0000 Michelle Wiese 7732 at /engineering
New quantum incubator in Boulder to propel innovations for real-world impact /engineering/2025/01/15/new-quantum-incubator-boulder-propel-innovations-real-world-impact New quantum incubator in Boulder to propel innovations for real-world impact Michelle Wiese Wed, 01/15/2025 - 09:35 Tags: Quantum To kick off the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology in 2025, three ŷڱƵ universities in collaboration with Elevate Quantum have announced that a new facility for fostering quantum technologies is coming to ŷڱƵ. The facility will help bring advances in quantum physics out of the lab and into the real world through its investment into the Quantum Incubator and related quantum assets throughout the state. window.location.href = `/today/2025/01/15/new-quantum-incubator-boulder-propel-innovations-real-world-impact?utm_campaign=news_headlines&utm_source=organic_social&utm_medium=li&utm_content=quantum_incubator_announcement_01152025&utm_term=quantum`;


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Wed, 15 Jan 2025 16:35:49 +0000 Michelle Wiese 7730 at /engineering
ŷڱƵ Boulder, Elevate Quantum partners ready for $127M regional quantum boost /engineering/node/7522 ŷڱƵ Boulder, Elevate Quantum partners ready for $127M regional quantum boost Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 07/02/2024 - 10:42 Categories: Entrepreneurship Research Research Outcomes Tags: Quantum Elevate Quantum, of which ŷڱƵ Boulder is a key partner, announced today that it has received a Tech Hub Phase 2 implementation award from the Department of Commerce, unlocking more than $127 million in new federal and state funding. The award is expected to drive more than $2 billion in additional private capital and cement the Mountain West as a global leader for quantum innovation. window.location.href = `/today/2024/07/02/cu-boulder-elevate-quantum-partners-ready-127m-regional-quantum-boost`;


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Tue, 02 Jul 2024 16:42:34 +0000 Anonymous 7522 at /engineering
ŷڱƵ and Sen. Michael Bennet celebrate quantum hub news, hear from students /engineering/node/7047 ŷڱƵ and Sen. Michael Bennet celebrate quantum hub news, hear from students Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 10/27/2023 - 14:42 Tags: Quantum U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet visited campus Oct. 20, and the trip to campus became an unexpected cause for celebration about ŷڱƵ’s place in the nation’s burgeoning quantum ecosystem. window.location.href = `/today/2023/10/23/cu-and-sen-michael-bennet-celebrate-quantum-hub-news-hear-students`;


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Fri, 27 Oct 2023 20:42:17 +0000 Anonymous 7047 at /engineering
Leadership highlights investment, new projects at quantum engineering lab ribbon cutting /engineering/2023/05/30/leadership-highlights-investment-new-projects-quantum-engineering-lab-ribbon-cutting Leadership highlights investment, new projects at quantum engineering lab ribbon cutting Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 05/30/2023 - 13:50 Categories: Faculty Research Tags: Quantum Leaders from across the ŷڱƵ Boulder campus and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) gathered last week to celebrate the official launch of the Quantum Engineering Initiative Lab space within the College of Engineering and Applied Science. window.location.href = `/initiative/cubit/2023/05/24/leadership-highlights-investment-and-momentum-collaboration-new-projects-quantum`;


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Tue, 30 May 2023 19:50:32 +0000 Anonymous 6846 at /engineering
New $15M NASA grant will support quantum sensors in space /engineering/2023/03/16/new-15m-nasa-grant-will-support-quantum-sensors-space New $15M NASA grant will support quantum sensors in space Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 03/16/2023 - 13:58 Categories: Research Tags: Quantum A multi-university research team, including engineers and physicists from ŷڱƵ Boulder, will build technology and tools to improve measurement of important climate factors by observing atoms in outer space. window.location.href = `/today/2023/03/16/new-nasa-grant-support-quantum-sensors-space`;


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Thu, 16 Mar 2023 19:58:04 +0000 Anonymous 6742 at /engineering
Diddams receives prestigious Mees Medal for ground-breaking optics research that transcends boundaries /engineering/2023/03/01/diddams-receives-prestigious-mees-medal-ground-breaking-optics-research-transcends Diddams receives prestigious Mees Medal for ground-breaking optics research that transcends boundaries Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 03/01/2023 - 09:11 Categories: Faculty Research Tags: Quantum Josh Rhoten

Scott Diddams

Professor Scott Diddams has been selected for the leading to the wide-ranging application of optical frequency combs to ultrafast lasers, optical clocks, spectroscopy, microwave synthesis, and astronomy. 

The medal was established in memory of C.E.K. Mees, who contributed preeminently to the development of scientific photography. The Mees family endowed the medal to recognize achievements that exemplify the thought that "optics transcends all boundaries." It has been presented annually since 1962 by Optica – the society dedicated to promoting the generation, application, archiving and dissemination of knowledge in the field. 

The award is one of several given by Optica – the world’s largest professional society focused on optical sciences with about 22,000 members. Previous Mees award recipients include Nobel Prize winners and many other leaders in the field.

“I am honored to receive this award and I am very appreciative of the many students and colleagues who I have worked with over the years,” Diddams said. “The award is equally a recognition of their contributions to this field of research. When we built the first frequency comb at JILA in 1999, we had no idea of the breadth of applications it would enable and the many different fields it could impact. It continues to be exciting to see the new discoveries and innovations.”

Diddams holds the Robert H. Davis Endowed Chair at ŷڱƵ Boulder where he is a professor of electrical, computer and energy engineering as well as physics. He received his PhD from the University of New Mexico in 1996 and did postdoctoral work at JILA, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the ŷڱƵ Boulder before becoming a research physicist, group leader, and fellow at NIST. In 2022 he transitioned to his present position where he also assumed the role of faculty director of the Quantum Engineering Initiative in the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

As a postdoc Diddams built the first optical frequency combs in the lab of Nobel laureate John Hall and throughout his career has pioneered the use of these powerful tools for optical clocks, tests of fundamental physics, novel spectroscopy, and astronomy. His research has been documented in more than 750 peer-reviewed publications, conference papers, and invited talks. His other awards include the Distinguished Presidential Rank Award, the Department of Commerce Gold and Silver Medals for "revolutionizing the way frequency is measured,” as well as the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE), the IEEE Photonics Society Laser Instrumentation Award, and the IEEE Rabi award. He is a Fellow of Optica and the American Physical Society, and a Senior Member of IEEE.

Professor Scott Diddams has been selected for the 2023 C.E.K. Mees Medal from Optica (formerly OSA) for his pioneering innovations leading to the wide-ranging application of optical frequency combs to ultrafast lasers, optical clocks, spectroscopy, microwave synthesis, and astronomy.


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Wed, 01 Mar 2023 16:11:43 +0000 Anonymous 6720 at /engineering