SAFE: System for Accident Free Environment

Team members:
- Anders Fornberg
- Sean Groves
- Alex Henriquez
- Shannon Lahr
- Aaron Lyons
Numerous car accidents occur every day that could easily be avoided. The purpose of our project is to develop a prototype system that will minimize these accidents and could eventually be expanded for commercial applications.
Description: Modified RC car that can sense oncoming accidents and take corrective action.
- Develop sensor array that
- Senses objects from multiple directions
- Detects relative speed of approaching objects
- Provide warning feedback to user when accidents are imminent
- Develop a system that overrides manual control from the user in order to prevent accidents that include
- Head on collision
- Merging into blind spots
- Backing into stationary objects
Extended features:
- Detecting surface road conditions and taking corrective action
Categories: Senior Design