- The Department of Information Science has recently earned several grants and awards from organizations both on and off campus.
- William Aspray and James Cortada just published their book, "From Urban Legends to Political Fact-Checking" (Springer).PhD students Anthony Pinter, Aaron Jiang, Katie Gach, and Jim Dykes, along with Melanie Sidwell (Media Studies) and Prof. Jed
- Prof. Robin Burke was awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation for the project "Realizing Fairness in Recommender Systems: Intersectionality, Tools, Explanation". The project will study how concepts of fairness developed for
- Roberto Azarettorecently received a PhD in music composition from SUNY in Buffalo, New York. Two of his works have been performed in Buffalo this year: Eigengrau, for four instruments, was premiered in April by the Australian Ensemble Elision and
- Associate Professor Reece Auguistepresented a paper on African archives and multimedia arts, and conducted a seminar on the essay film and African documentary practice at the University of Witwatersrand's RE-Framing Africa: Restructuring the Self
- Assistant Professor Stephanie Spray is in postproduction for her film Edge of Time, which won a Sundance Institute and Science Sandbox grant. She is in production for another film, Patagonia Park, which won a Catapult Film Fund grant. She also
- Assistant Professor Erin Espelie––along with Natural Hazards Center Director Lori Peek, Art and Art History Assistant Professor Brianne Cohen, and Director of the Center for Native and Indigenous Studies Andrew Cowell––has been awarded a $225,000
- On April 15, Assistant Professor Joel Swanson's work, Binary Pronouns, began streaming on 150 Mediastream, a 150-foot long by 22-foot high array of 89 LED blades located in the lobby of the iconic 150 North Riverside building in
- During the 2018-19 school year, Associate Professor Lori Emerson presented at the Digital Humanities annual conference in Mexico City on her in-progress, collaboratively written book, THE Lר BOOK. She also received several grants
- The latest news from Media Studies faculty and graduate students.In addition to his administrative role as the CMCI’s Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Andrew Calabrese currently is at work producing a documentary film called Grain