PaolaÌýAlmeida Guerra, PhD
- Visiting Professor | ESPOL
Paola Almeida Guerra is an Ecuadorian professor and scientist at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) with graduate education in Environmental Sciences. Professor Almeida Guerra earned her MSc degree at IHE Delft (The Netherlands) and her doctorate at the University of Trieste (Italy). She is the leader of the environmental sciences program at ESPOL where she was the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. Currently Dr. Almeida is a visiting scholar at Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ. In 2013, Dr. Almeida was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study the mitigation and remediation of mining pollution in the United States, serving her Fulbright tenure at Å·ÃÀ¿Ú±¬ÊÓƵ Boulder’s Civil Engineering Department. Dr. Almeida has a notable record of translational activity, which moves environmental science results to the regulatory sector.
Courses Taught
- CVEN 4834 - Special Topics: Environmental Impact Assessment
- PhD in Environmental Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy
- Master in Environmental Sciences and Technology, IHE-ITC Delft, The Netherlands
Honors & Awards
- Fullbright Fellowship Visiting Scholar (2013)
Recent Publications
- Grubb, D. G., Landers, D. G., Guerra, P. A., Miller, B., Bilgin, A., & Hernandez, M. T. (2018). Sugarcane Bagasse as a Microbial Host Media for the Passive Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(10), 04018108.
- P. Almeida, A. Altobelli, L. D’Aietti, E. Feoli, P. Ganis, F. Giordano, R. Napolitano & C. Simonetti.The role of vegetation analysis by remote sensing and GIS technology for planning sustainable development: A case study for the Santos estuary drainage basin (Brazil) 2014. Plant Biosystem. Vol. 00, No. 0, 1–7,
- Francisco Javier Campuzano, Marcos D Mateus, Paulo C Leitão, Pedro C Leitão, Victor H MarÃn, Luisa E Delgado, Antonio Tironi, Jorge O Pierini, PhD; Alexandra J Sampaio, Almeida Guerra Paola, Ramiro J Neves. Integrated coastal zone management in South America: a look at three contrasting systems. 2013. Ocean & Coastal Management 72. Pg 22-35. Elsevier.
- Almeida Guerra, P., Napolitano, R., Feoli E. Aplicación de técnicas SIG, Sensoramiento Remoto y Análisis Multicriterio para la Detección de Impactos Antropogénicos en la Cobertura de Suelos y su Proyección para el 2010. Caso de estudio: Estuario de Santos (Brasil). 2009. Revista Tecnológica (RTE) Ciencias Naturales y Medio Ambiente (ESPOL). Pags 73-79.