Teaching Assistant Professor of Japanese
Asian Languages and Civilizations

Education:?University of Wisconsin-Madison, 专D

Received a Master’s degree in 2006?and completed the course work and preliminary exam in Japanese in 2010 at University of Wisconsin-Madison.? Before joining the University of 欧美口爆视频, taught at University of Iowa.


“The use of deictic terms in situated activities and participation” 会話における指示語使用と会話参与者の会話への参与枠組み.?In Nihon no Romajisha (ed.),?Kotoba to Moji 10. October 1. 2018. Tokyo: Kuroshio.

“The participation structure of learners of Japanese in triadic free conversation: Shifting from the role of side-participant to speaker” 三者間自由会話における学習者の参与枠組み-「話しかけられていない聞き手」から話し手へ.?Journal CAJLE 18?(2017): 43-68. Web. August 1. 2017?

“An analysis on the participation structure of learners of Japanese in triadic free conversation: What we can do for learners utilizing opportunities to use the language and to connect with others” 三者間自由会話における学習者の参加形態についての一考察 -言語使用の機会を生かし他者とつながる日本語学習者の育成のために.?Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education Annual Conference 2016 Proceeding?(2016) : 105-114. web. October 1. 2016?

“Toward ‘emphatic free conversation’: What we can do for learners of Japanese as a foreign language to construct social relations through conversation” 共感の表明-会話を通じて社会的関係を構築できる学習者の育成のために教師ができること.?Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education Annual Conference 2015 Proceeding?(2015) : 46-55. web. October 1. 2015?

“Towards the awareness rising and cultivation of conversational skills, addressing Japanese speaking community with diversity: An analysis of free conversation between learners of Japanese.” 学習者間の自由会話を通しての会話技術への気づきと向上の試み:多様化する日本語話者コミュニティー構成員への対応を目指して.?Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education Annual Conference 2014 Proceeding?(2014) : 46-55. web. October 1. 2014?

Research interest:?Japanese conversation analysis, Japanese pedagogy ?