Professor of Distinction


Ph.D., Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1997
A.B., Classical Archaeology, Harvard University, 1991

Regional and Thematic Interests

West Asia/Middle East
Literature and the Arts


Elspeth Dusinberre (Ph.D. Michigan 1997) is interested in cultural interactions in Anatolia, particularly in the ways in which the Achaemenid Empire affected local social structures and in the give-and-take between Achaemenid and other cultures. Her first book, Aspects of Empire in Achaemenid Sardis (Cambridge 2003), examines such issues from the vantage of the Lydian capital, while her third book, Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia (Cambridge forthcoming) considers all of Anatolia. Her second book is a diachronic excavation monograph, Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society (Philadelphia 2005). She is currently studying the seal impressions on the Aramaic tablets of the Persepolis Fortification Archive (dating ca. 500 BCE), and the cremation burials from Gordion. She has worked at Sardis, Gordion, and Kerkenes Dag in Turkey, as well as at sites elsewhere in the eastern Mediterranean.

Selected Publications

2013 Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

2010 鈥淟ydo-Persian Seals from Sardis鈥 and 鈥淚vories from Lydia.鈥 In The Lydians and Their World, edited by N. D. Cahill, 177-190, 191-200. Istanbul: Yap谋 Kredi Yay谋nlar谋.