RiverWare training
- On May聽18鈥26,聽2021, about 25 technical experts from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia participated in live virtual training on RiverWare and its application to the Nile Basin RiverWare Model. The training was delivered jointly by CADSWES and Oxford University and will assist regional experts in the planning and execution of sustainable management of the Eastern Nile River Basin.
- Held live via Zoom. For first-time or novice users of RiverWare.
- Held live via Zoom. For users who want to model water ownership, water type or water rights. Prerequisites are: Introduction to Simulation and Rulebased Simulation.
- RiverWare training classes continue in an instructor-led online format via Zoom. Attendees are sent meeting information after registering.
- Held in-person at CADSWES. For users who want to use rule logic to drive modeling solutions. Prerequisite is: Introduction to Simulation.
- Held in-person at CADSWES. For users who want to use the optimization solver to determine best solutions for defined objectives. Prerequisite is: Rulebased Simulation.
- Five modelers from the Ministry of Mahaweli Development & Environment in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and their stakeholder water users attended a one-week 鈥淎dvanced River System Modeling with RiverWare鈥 customized training session, February 26鈥揗arch 2,
- Mitch Clement traveled to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) in Portland, OR to teach a three-day customized RiverWare training session September 19鈥21. BPA uses RiverWare for real-time hourly scheduling of their 10 large projects on the Columbia
- David Neumann of CADSWES traveled to Colombo, Sri Lanka, to continue teaching RiverWare to the Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program (MWSIP) of the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment. The workshop, held July 31鈥揂ugust 11, 2017,
- Edie Zagona and Mitch Clement provided a five-day training class, 鈥淎dvanced River Basin Planning Using RiverWare,鈥 to 32 water resources modelers from various regions and agencies in India. The class was hosted by the Water Resources Dept.,