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Tanner Ryan (Mgmt’14, MSupCha’15)

Tanner Ryan

Faces of Leeds Snapshot

Name: Tanner Ryan
Hometown: Westminster, ŷڱƵ
Major: Operations and Information Management, International Business and Leadership; Supply Chain Management
Position: Senior Category Manager at Danone

Tanner has always been a self-starter: he worked to essentially craft his own "engineering of business" focus with his college majors and figured out a way to get credit at Leeds for learning Mandarin on his own to help his friend start a business in China. Through his new job as a buyer at Danone, he’s had to learn new ways of communicating, processing information and working with teams to complete complicated projects. He's relied on numerous support structures to get through difficult times in life and create goals that align with the rapidly changing world. His current goals are traveling and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.

“Beyond the impacts work can have on life, life can impact your performance and motivation at work. I am learning to activate my support networks, restructure what my network looks like as life changes, and build resiliency for the future.”