ATLAS Jam Station project selected for Maker Made 2020

Jam Station promotes musical improvisation, also known as "jamming,"Ìýamong thoseÌýwho have difficultiesÌýlearningÌýto playÌýinstruments, saidÌýPete Pascente, CTD master's student, who along withÌý researchersÌýTorin Hopkins, ATLAS PhD student,ÌýWayne Seltzer, ATLAS technologist-in-residenceÌýandÌýKellie Masterson, developed the project.ÌýJamming is considered difficult even for experienced musicians, he said.Ìý
"We wanted to allow people who know nothing about music to experience the joy of a jam - to collaborate and feel like they're part of a something a little bigger than themselves,"Ìý Pascente said. Ìý
The stationÌýis a 7-by-4 feetÌýrectangularÌýPVC cuboid, wherebyÌýfour instruments craftedÌýfromÌýeveryday materials are situated soÌýthat eachÌýjam member faces a vertically oriented neopixel display.Ìý Embedded sensors in Jam Station'sÌýinstruments triggerÌýcomplex and colorful light displays asÌýcollaboration between musicians improves, and these visual cues helpÌýnovice musicians improvise music together.
"The instruments are designed to not resemble what we normally think of as instruments, so they're more approachable," PascenteÌýsaid.
Initial survey results showed overall positive reactions to the experience, Seltzer said, with all sixÌýself-described "nonmusicians" ratingÌýtheir experience as "good."