Campus Climate and Culture /academicfutures/ en Communications as a mechanism of shared governance (White, Leslie, Provost’s Faculty Communications Committee) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/communications-mechanism-shared-governance-white-leslie-provosts-faculty-communications Communications as a mechanism of shared governance (White, Leslie, Provost’s Faculty Communications Committee) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 12:42 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The authors – members of the Provost’s Faculty Communication Committee – recommend a shift in organizational culture resting on important changes in how communication is managed and enacted between administration and faculty.

The authors – members of the Provost’s Faculty Communication Committee – recommend a shift in organizational culture resting on important changes in how communication is managed and enacted between administration and faculty.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 19:42:29 +0000 Anonymous 862 at /academicfutures
Five Suggestions for the Academic Futures Process (Sobel) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/five-suggestions-academic-futures-process-sobel Five Suggestions for the Academic Futures Process (Sobel) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 12:38 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The author suggests five critical elements for the process of Academic Futures and suggests a jumping off point and a needed feature of campus communication.

The author suggests five critical elements for the process of Academic Futures and suggests a jumping off point and a needed feature of campus communication.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 19:38:42 +0000 Anonymous 858 at /academicfutures
“Changing the Course of the Ship:” Envisioning Diversity and Social Climate at ŷڱƵ Boulder (Beaver, ODECE staff) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/changing-course-ship-envisioning-diversity-and-social-climate-cu-boulder-beaver-odece “Changing the Course of the Ship:” Envisioning Diversity and Social Climate at ŷڱƵ Boulder (Beaver, ODECE staff) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 12:35 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The author describes the course of cultural change being facilitated by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement and makes a strong appeal to partners and leaders to help enhance its efforts.

The author describes the course of cultural change being facilitated by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement and makes a strong appeal to partners and leaders to help enhance its efforts.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 19:35:34 +0000 Anonymous 854 at /academicfutures
Public Work at the University of ŷڱƵ (Kirshner) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/public-work-university-colorado-kirshner Public Work at the University of ŷڱƵ (Kirshner) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 12:32 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The author makes a case that ŷڱƵ Boulder can strengthen its role and status as a public university by supporting deep and reciprocal partnerships that use research to advance the public good with community groups, civil society organizations, and public agencies.

The author makes a case that ŷڱƵ Boulder can strengthen its role and status as a public university by supporting deep and reciprocal partnerships that use research to advance the public good with community groups, civil society organizations, and public agencies.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 19:32:44 +0000 Anonymous 850 at /academicfutures
Advancing Engaged Learning through Dialogue Practice at ŷڱƵ-Boulder (Desai, Ramirez, Prostko) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/advancing-engaged-learning-through-dialogue-practice-cu-boulder-desai-ramirez-prostko Advancing Engaged Learning through Dialogue Practice at ŷڱƵ-Boulder (Desai, Ramirez, Prostko) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 12:08 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The authors cite the need for dialogue as a learning and discovery process and the concurrent need to work with others across campus to help make dialogue a more universal aspect of ŷڱƵ’s classroom experience. 

The authors cite the need for dialogue as a learning and discovery process and the concurrent need to work with others across campus to help make dialogue a more universal aspect of ŷڱƵ’s classroom experience.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 19:08:47 +0000 Anonymous 838 at /academicfutures
An Ecosystem Approach to Enhancing Diversity at ŷڱƵ (Ramirez, Semsar, Montoya, Ebrahimian) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/ecosystem-approach-enhancing-diversity-cu-ramirez-semsar-montoya-ebrahimian An Ecosystem Approach to Enhancing Diversity at ŷڱƵ (Ramirez, Semsar, Montoya, Ebrahimian) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 11:43 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The authors draw on lessons learned through the work of MASP and advocate for a broader ecosystem approach to enhancing diversity at ŷڱƵ-Boulder, arguing that enhancing diversity needs be to become much more central in our collective thinking about the University’s mission and work.

The authors draw on lessons learned through the work of MASP and advocate for a broader ecosystem approach to enhancing diversity at ŷڱƵ-Boulder, arguing that enhancing diversity needs be to become much more central in our collective thinking about the University’s mission and work.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:43:04 +0000 Anonymous 830 at /academicfutures
Let’s Talk: Becoming a Campus of Facilitated Conversations (Ramirez, Rohse) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/lets-talk-becoming-campus-facilitated-conversations-ramirez-rohse Let’s Talk: Becoming a Campus of Facilitated Conversations (Ramirez, Rohse) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 11:39 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The authors argues that the university needs to adapt to all new kinds of students enrolling in its programs (rather than asking those students to adapt to ŷڱƵ), holding that ŷڱƵ needs to “listen more, invite our students to speak more and needs to help all students “learn how to listen and engage across difference” by becoming a campus of “facilitated conversations.”

The authors argues that the university needs to adapt to all new kinds of students enrolling in its programs (rather than asking those students to adapt to ŷڱƵ), holding that ŷڱƵ needs to “listen more, invite our students to speak more and needs to help all students “learn how to listen and engage across difference” by becoming a campus of “facilitated conversations.”


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:39:25 +0000 Anonymous 826 at /academicfutures
Leadership in Sustainability (Kang) /academicfutures/2018/01/25/leadership-sustainability-kang Leadership in Sustainability (Kang) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/25/2018 - 10:44 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The author outlines how intentional sustainability-related leadership and activities revolving around academic, research, operational, student and community engagement can ensure ŷڱƵ Boulder’s success in achieving global leadership in sustainability and effectively incorporating sustainability into all aspects of the University.


The author outlines how intentional sustainability-related leadership and activities revolving around academic, research, operational, student and community engagement can ensure ŷڱƵ Boulder’s success in achieving global leadership in sustainability and effectively incorporating sustainability into all aspects of the University.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2018 17:44:26 +0000 Anonymous 790 at /academicfutures
Improving Faculty Gender Equity and Climate at ŷڱƵ Boulder (Miller, Knight, Mollborn, Osnes) /academicfutures/2018/01/18/improving-faculty-gender-equity-and-climate-cu-boulder-miller-knight-mollborn-osnes Improving Faculty Gender Equity and Climate at ŷڱƵ Boulder (Miller, Knight, Mollborn, Osnes) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/18/2018 - 09:47 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The authors suggest a series of steps to improve climate, gender equity, parental leave and childcare as core issues central to gender equity on campus.

The authors suggest a series of steps to improve climate, gender equity, parental leave and childcare as core issues central to gender equity on campus.


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Thu, 18 Jan 2018 16:47:35 +0000 Anonymous 742 at /academicfutures
Faculty of Color/Faculty of the Global Majority Luncheon (Maeda, Mejia) /academicfutures/2018/01/17/faculty-colorfaculty-global-majority-luncheon-maeda-mejia Faculty of Color/Faculty of the Global Majority Luncheon (Maeda, Mejia) Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 01/17/2018 - 10:48 Categories: paper Tags: Campus Climate and Culture

The authors outline recommendations from a recent luncheon of 35 faculty of color on how ŷڱƵ Boulder can increase equity, inclusive excellence, and diversity through stronger commitments and new strategies.

The authors outline recommendations from a recent luncheon of 35 faculty of color on how ŷڱƵ Boulder can increase equity, inclusive excellence, and diversity through stronger commitments and new strategies.


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Wed, 17 Jan 2018 17:48:12 +0000 Anonymous 702 at /academicfutures